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Out of State Hunter / New Guy


New Member
Not sure if this is the correct place to be posting, but was looking at some of the great deer being posted and thought I would say hello.

I have never hunted your great state, but hopefully will draw a tag next year.(I have 2 preference points)

I have some friends of the family that own a fairly large farm in Story county, Zone 7, they say that they see deer all the time and would love for me to come up and hunt. I know this is not one of the Better areas in the state, but what should I expect in quality of deer in that area? I know that is a very broad question, just trying to get some info.

Thanks and Good luck the rest of the year.....
Welcome to the site! Im not familiar with that area.. I think you will be pleasantly surprised with the deer about anywhere in the state, especially when comparing the body size to those itsy-bitsy Texas deer. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/grin.gif
not sure about your specific area, but if there is corn, and a few acres of timber, you will see deer. good luck

welcome to the site, your addiction is just getting started
I was told that they farm corn and beans and have 3 or 4 areas of timber in the 50-60 acre range.

I really do appreciate all of you letting me know that Deer, not to mention Big Deer do not exist in central or eastern Iowa...

And as far as comparing them to Tx deer, you are right on the body sizes. The body sizes up north are just as alluring to me as the big head gear!!
It doesn't matter what county of the state you are in, if the farm is good, you'll see deer.

It's nice to see an out-of-state hunter not here just to shoot a big buck. good luck puttin one down /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: DWilk</div><div class="ubbcode-body">It doesn't matter what county of the state you are in, if the farm is good, you'll see deer.

It's nice to see an out-of-state hunter not here just to shoot a big buck. good luck puttin one down /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif </div></div>

Don't get me wrong, I would love to see one of those big bruisers up there coming into my set up... I would also be more than happy with one of the small cows you call deer with a heavy 8 on his head..

Location of the farm is somewhere outside Nevada, IA...

Thanks for the input and hopefully I will draw that tag next year..
DamonJ.. If you really want to see some of the big deer.. Become a PMA member of this forum /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: DamonJ</div><div class="ubbcode-body">PMA?

Fill me in on what this is... </div></div>

PMA stands for Prime Membership Advantage.. It costs $16 to join for one year and you get the benefit of seeing a lot of big deer that were harvested by other PMA members that isn't released to the majority of the public, plus, you get to help fund an awesome site. For more info, click on the orange link up on the top menu bar towards the right side that says " PMA Membership Info" or click here http://iowawhitetail.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=faqentry&postnumber=283654
It will be good hunting over by Nevada, naturally it all depends on where the ground is at, but there is some good stuff over there.
Rut generally runs from the end of October to mid/late November. Peak is usually around 10th of November, give or take a few days.
I'd say it's starting to get going some now. I rattled in two little ones this morning. First time I've ever had one actually running in to see what's going on. Both were small. The second one was a little 4 point He came back twice to the horns. I'd guess in the next couple weeks it'll really pick up and the big ones will be moving more. But there's other people on here that would be more helpfull. I'm in zone 7 to don't know where story county is though.
Welcome to the site and enjoy the PMA harvest pics. Try not to drool on the keyboard there's some bigguns in there.

I and my buddies hunt several of the timbers just outside of Nevada, have been for 10 yrs myself and some of my buddies for over 20 yrs.

Email me if you want and let me know where and when you'll be out, wouldn't mind lending a hand if you need one.

Depending on how much time you have the average "big" one in this area is just about 125"+. There are 140's, 150's and a few 160's in the area but not nearly as many as some other parts of the state, we don't have as much timber/winter habitat so we just don't cary the same numbers of deer as the areas with bigger timbers.

Nov 3rd, 7th, and 9th have always been the best days in my timber, no idea why guess that's when my does become interesting.
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