This outfitter is paying a lobbyist to change Iowas laws for their special interests. It’s all public info when u do this so not like I’m letting cat out of the bag. Who is doing it is:
Their only motive: $. Period. End of story. They can bring clients to MO or when hunters draw in IA. Not good enough- they want to pay to exploit our resource. NOT HAPPENING!!! These outfitters could be nice people …. I’m sure there’s nice telemarketers out there too that want more priveleges… doesn’t mean they right or good for society. IMHO - going a step further than I should (my goal is to make aware who is trying to change Iowas laws for their exploitive special interests) …. Outfitting now has no place in the Midwest, especially iowa. 25 years ago- we could sustain it. NOT NOW!!!!!! The best thing for our residents, state, resource, everyday hunter & resident hunting economics…. Is if outfitting faded away from iowa - PERIOD, IMO. But bottom like, absolutely not gonna change our laws for special privileges & exploit our state!!!!
I spoke about outfitters in iowa recently, go to EXACTLY the 24m mark here is when we started discussing outfitters in iowa. Got deep into merits, net results, etc etc. Minutes 24 through maybe like
34 minutes. Feel like defines my feelings & IMO-
Lays out facts, fairly well… 24m to 34m….
About | oxbowridgeoutfitters
I spoke about outfitters in iowa recently, go to EXACTLY the 24m mark here is when we started discussing outfitters in iowa. Got deep into merits, net results, etc etc. Minutes 24 through maybe like
34 minutes. Feel like defines my feelings & IMO-
Lays out facts, fairly well… 24m to 34m….