Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Ozone poll

Should ozone machines be legal?

  • Legal

    Votes: 27 22.9%
  • Illegal

    Votes: 27 22.9%
  • Dont care either way

    Votes: 56 47.5%
  • All electronics should be illegal while deer hunting

    Votes: 8 6.8%

  • Total voters
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Shovelbuck said:
Really!???? You comment on a post of mine that you didn't even read?

And which one was that? Your not a mod anymore go back and up date your feelings there not on this thread

Welcome to my ignore list. It's an elite group that has only been used one other time by me and that was for T250.
Aawww that hurt :D
It's potentially hazardous? So is tobacco, radiation, and fried foods that cause heart disease. If you want to use it it in America it should be at your own will. I'll never bash this product nor will I ever use it but hopefully we are all free enough to make these decisions for ourselves. How close are we to legalizing marijuana yet we are arguing about a deer hunting product?
I love how no matter what is said, we always have to compare this to other rules or hazards. The fact of it is, when asking the DNR, all kinds of them have said illegal. End of story in my mind, so why beat the dead horse any longer? Why sit and compare it to tobacco since it may be hazardous? Why compare it to rangefinders when the reason was already given why they are allowed?
I voted that I don't care, since I won't be using one but it wouldn't bother me if someone else does. I agree with flugge that in time the deer will associate the ozone smell with danger. If they smell the ozone and then an arrow sails just over their back or slices their brisket, I don't think they'll be so curious the next time.
Flugge where have you said that before? I was just saying it should be legal since this is a poll thread.
It has been stated in the other Ozonics thread.. I dont think I was the first to state way, or the last, but I know its in the other thread a few times
Ahhhhhhhh, the summer bickering.....it happens every year. Season is coming fellas, I can almost hear the printer printing out my tag!!! :D :drink1:
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