Ozonics??? Worth the money??

Nanny Im pretty sure when we get a south wind here in Iowa i can smell those beer farts blowing up from southern missouri. I always thought it was hog confinements but I now realize i was wrong.
Nothing is flawless when it comes to deer hunting but I use an ozonics 90% of the time and can honestly say I get winded very seldom unless they get directly under the tree which I try to avoid by piling stuff around my trees. Very gusty winds, which we have a lot in iowa, it does not work but regardless it is not a cure all to getting busted. Nothing out matches playing the wind and hunting smart but in my opinion it does help when used and setup correctly.
If you're going to "play the wind" (my understanding is to set up so deer will be upwind or crosswind of your stand), I'm not sure how Ozonics would help. Wouldn't the ozone go with the wind, to where the deer aren't? Just a question and not bashing anyone for using this. I have no experience with them, so will not say it won't help in a downwind situation, which most people try to avoid. I will most likely never own one since I have other hunting stuff to spend money on, and it's probably too pricey to be a gift from family.
You can always play the wind but the deer I hunt don't always do what I want them to and can sometimes get "downwind".
I got lazy this year and my first 2 hunts i forgot to spray down with any scent control spray. In those 2 hunts i had a total of 10 that came down wind of me... Had them right under my tree at one point. Right before my third hunt I finally realized i wasn't spraying myself down, but thought to myself I haven't been busted yet, so lets keep not spraying down and see what happens. I'm on hunt 6-7 and have had 5 more deer down wind and I haven't gotten busted yet, which is a first!!! I'm going to keep not spraying down and see how it goes. Starting to think all of these scent control gimmicks are a joke!
Thermacell works for me to just make sure the scent pads are good & not real old cause they don't seem to work then.As far as scents & scent clothing I use to use them then when they wore out I quit wasting my money still have just as good a luck going undetected now as i did then.Its all Bs & alot of people get rich off selling the stuff.
I have two friends who are really good hunters. They swear by the Ozonics. I've been very skeptical of it but they convinced me to try it. I'm going on a hunt next week for whitetails and will be using it for the first time. I'll let you know what I think of it once I get to field test it.
If you could fart with the beer farts and have someone stand down wind of you with an ozonics blocking the wind, and your buddy not smell it, I'd say it works.

I haven't tried that, but it would be a good test!

After drinking craft beers I think I'd be more likely to knock a deer out. No need for ozonics at that point.