We all know that there is no such thing as a foolproof product and there is no substitute for hard work and just plain whitetail savvy.
River1 said:I'm patiently waiting for timekiller's Ozonics review.....I know he bit!
And I thought this was a different kind of website????
I'm also a sponsor of this forum with WKP and Wicked Tree Gear in-case you think I'm just trying to get something for nothing. I've been donating products to Iowawhitetail for prize give-a-ways and youth contests for years now. How many of you can say the same thing?
He's probably afraid to speak up because of the treatment he can expect to get agreeing with a scumbag such as myself.
Thanks brother! Good luck this fall yourself! If you don't mind me asking, what's the link to Truscent all-about? You wouldn't be bias would you?
I figured you'd mention that.....
No problem.....
It's really something i do for FUN.... I haven't marketed it at all other than a little thing on here.
So you think cover scents will beat a mature whitetails nose? I also wanted to ask your opinion of the video I posted. We show deer clearly downwind of our locations. You see the deer react, and walk off. How do you explain this? What are we doing if Ozonic's doesn't work?
I'm not sure if I stink worse than most or what, but I have NEVER - EVER beat a whitetail that went downwind of me before Ozonic's. I have been winded hundreds of times over the years. Now when using Ozonic's, we beat 98% or more of the animals (no snorting). Not saying they don't react in some way, but they very very rarely will ever snort. If Ozonic's doesn't work, then tell me how we produce video after video, encounter after encounter with deer down-wind, sniffing the air, and with milk weeds floating in the air to the deer? Tell me how we do it????
So you think cover scents will beat a mature whitetails nose? I also wanted to ask your opinion of the video I posted. We show deer clearly downwind of our locations. You see the deer react, and walk off. How do you explain this? What are we doing if Ozonic's doesn't work?
I'm not sure if I stink worse than most or what, but I have NEVER - EVER beat a whitetail that went downwind of me before Ozonic's. I have been winded hundreds of times over the years. Now when using Ozonic's, we beat 98% or more of the animals (no snorting). Not saying they don't react in some way, but they very very rarely will ever snort. If Ozonic's doesn't work, then tell me how we produce video after video, encounter after encounter with deer down-wind, sniffing the air, and with milk weeds floating in the air to the deer? Tell me how we do it????
I've reduced the number of times we get snorted at to 1 or 2 hunts per season. Take it for what you will. This is just coming from a guy with no track record in Iowa who hasn't killed a buck in 2 years. I guess I should just lower my standards so I can meet yall's requirements by killing more. And I thought this was a different kind of website????
I have to echo Skips sentiments. No one was calling you a scumbag Todd. I've met you a few times different places and I've always thought you made some great products and videos. It's nice to see you having success with your brands and I think most guys on here are rooting for you.
This is absolutely a different kind of site, and there is no "standard" to live up to. My point was, how can a salesman push a product that they have never really had success with? Or maybe I should ask, how are you defining success? Sure you are beating and videoing does and small bucks, but is it helping you kill? After all that is the reason we all hunt and that is the reason you are making videos. Pretty hard to fill a 2 hour vidoe with just encounters isn't it? And don't use the I'm not rich and I hunt pressured areas excuse, because I've got news for you, so does almost everyone else on this site and in the U.S as a whole.
Listen, you are passionate guy, anyone that has read one post by you can figure that out. There is nothing wrong with that either. I just think you may rub a few people the wrong way with the "my way is the best and only way attitude" that you constantly push. I think humility is a key trait to running a company and being successfull. What I"m really trying to get across to you (and I know how stubborn you are) is that there are hundreds of hard core whitetail hunters across the midwest that have probably forgotten more about hunting and killing mature whitetails than you will ever know. So remember that you aren't the leading authority on killing big bucks and knowing how to "get on em". And show some tact and humility when you are pushing products. Don't just come on here and say "this is the best because Todd Prignitz says so". You will continue to get the kind of response that you have.
Keep up the hard work and continue making great products! And great luck this fall, I hope you stick a 2 hundy.
God Bless,
X2great post Dedgeez
..I think if ozonics truly works, you will start to see it more in the field every year. Until then it will be a tough sell. The hunting industry has been so commercialized in the last 10 years it is pathetic but hey a company has to get its name out there. You can't open a magazine or watch many videos without getting hit by a bunch of products.
I think that is what will make it tough for ozonics. It seems like a high dollar piece of equipment that is hard to believe it works. My mind is made up that I don't see how it could work in an open environment unless it is acting as more of a cover up smell than actually destroying odor. My mind has been changed before.
Until I see guys like my buddy Fred or others I trust using it and raving about it, I won't buy one. Even if a crazy guy like Muddy thought they were the cat's meow I would be more interested. Until then, it is just another product people are pushing on us. That sucks for Todd but it is what the industry has made it.
I do love your saw though Todd and can't wait for the pole saw!! I hated busting all those gerber handles every year!
I didn't say Ozonic's is the best, I said it works. That makes it a first in the scent elimination industry of any of the products I've ever used.
How people can use an Ozonic's and say they don't work just doesn't make sense to me unless they weren't set up properly. I went to school in Engineering as well, and we never discussed wind currents or the whitetails sense of smell.
We show 4-1/2, 5-1/2, and even 6-1/2 year old bucks reacting to Ozonic's in our videos. Even if they did NOTHING to the male species - what they save us with Doe busts is worth it! Beyond that, they do work for all whitetails. The older a buck is, the more leary he is of the ozone. I had a 5-1/2 year old buck catch my scent stream this past late season. Lifted his nose, did a loop back, and passed back through my scent stream about 60 yards further down-wind, and continued on his way to the food plots. I hear people talk about having bucks / deer down-wind all the time and deer reacting like nothing. I've hunted 20 some years, and this has NEVER been my experience. Only when hunting farms that have had NO hunting pressure do does sometimes act like it's not too big of a deal. Bucks on the other hand, they are different. None of the farms we are on are un-pressured. I got hunters all-around me.
And as far as the 3 units, we have two guys in the tree. For most guys, 1 unit will work just fine. The first year we used Ozonic's we used the first generation units. They weighed 7 lbs., and produced I believe less than half of the ozone of the new units and had terrible adjustability. The new units solve this problem with the tree brackets and amount of ozone they produce. Far more controllable, which is why they are better and we get busted less than before. And thanks for pointing out that we still showed ourselves getting busted a couple times while using the old ones. That should tell you where the truth comes in with us!!!!