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P41 Price?


New Member
What is a good price for this set up? I am cutting back on cameras and am going to sell 1 of my home brews. This is the package I am going to sell. I was thinking around $250????

P41 Home Brew (only used 1 year)
Pelican 1040 case
1 512 mb memory stick
1 256 mb memory stick
Does it have a control board with it? Otherwise it's worth will vary off what people are willing to pay for the P41. Lately, they've come back down to about $100 on Ebay. A 1G memory stick can be had for about $15 for reference and the case, assuming it's camo might go for around $35 retail.
It is a fully functioning cam that was built 1 year ago. I have several cameras and haven't used this one very much. Here are some pics. I just want a ball park figure on what I should charge for this cam if I sell it to a friend. Thanks!

Since it's fully functioning and with the pipe through, I'm thinking your original asking price sounds pretty good. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif
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