Packnasty scores!


New Member
Sometimes you can just get so physically and mentally beaten, and you think it’s not gonna happen. Then it does and makes the scouting, knocking on doors, preparation, sleep deprivation, and time in the stand all worth it.

I know a lot of you guys would’ve passed this deer… but he’s my biggest, dammit. I had pictures of bigger deer, but there was just no way I was gonna pass a chip shot on my biggest deer ever.

I started my vacation the afternoon of Tuesday the 8th and hunted very hard right on through the weekend. My action got better and better from the 8th right up until the 13th. Going back to work on the 14th, I had even contemplated taking that afternoon off.

I had stands up elsewhere on this farm, but stumbled upon a bunch of sign next to a thick, nasty bedding area during a pheasant hunt on November 5th. I noticed this spot in the spring, but chose to leave it as a sanctuary since I didn’t have any good access to the spot. I was forced to walk 3/4 mile back in a huge field that was visible by all surrounding woodlots. But this time, I just couldn’t ignore all the sign.

Since we’d already tore the area up looking for birds, I went back and hung my last stand right away. I went back there for a few more sits mid-week before giving that farm a couple days off. I was pretty pumped to go there the morning of the 13th for a quick sit before church. That morning, I saw my buck (I think) chasing a doe through the thicket.

I hated my route to the stand. I knew every bedded deer in the area was watching me come in. Gaining permission with a quick phone call, I accessed the stand from a different adjoining field for the afternoon hunt. I had been reading my Louis L’Amour book (***thank you to Bloodhoundhandler who had recommended this author in another thread… phenomenal adventure books perfect for the deer stand), when I saw a small ten and doe wandering their way in. I watched them for quite a while, and begin to hear a lot more commotion all around me as light begins to fade. Finally, out of the corner of my eye, I see my buck coming in to chase the smaller 10 off the doe. It was real dark and couldn’t see the detail of the rack, but knew he was a shooter. When he was 10 yards from the base of the stand I let ‘er rip.

The shot was perfect. Double lung. He piled up within sight about 30 yards from the stand. I’ve never seen a deer fight so hard for its life. It really gives you a greater respect for the animal.


The deer came from the direction in which I would’ve otherwise accessed. I’m confident that he wouldn’t have come in with my original approach. In just the few sits I had on that stand, I knew the deer had me patterned.

Good luck to all who still have tags. We all know how frustrated one can get right around now, but know that it can all happen so quickly.

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The only thing wrong with that whole picture is your hat! :D

Congrats on your best.
Don't base your trophy on what someone else would shoot! Congrats on a nice buck and a personal best :way:
Great buck, you should replace the packer picture with your new buck!! :D

From a Vikings fan!
Don't base your trophy on what someone else would shoot! Congrats on a nice buck and a personal best :way:

Yes, well said. That's a really nice buck and you have the good memories of working hard for him, that's what it is all about.
Nice job great story and way to enjoy your vacation thats what it is all about congrats great looking deer way to stick with it and stay positive. Half the battle is mental easy to get down. You stuck with it and got it done!