Painful souvenir


New Member
Shot a nice 8 pointer over east today, came right into the decoy but I had to wait till he was leaving to get an undetected shot. He turned and walked toward the timber than stopped and turned his head back, everything was pretty much textbook. A clean open shot at 35 yds quartered away, I put the 30 yd pin behind his right shoulder and let the Muzzy fly. I heard the crunch of the ribcage and and a loud crack, I could see about 8-9" of the arrow shaft still sticking out his right side as he ran up the hill in the timber. The guy hunting with me was about 100 yds south on the other side of the timber, he said he seen the buck on the ridge staggering and didnt think it would be too far away. I had a good blood trail to follow, than about 1/4 mile later I found the business end of the arrow, about 20 more yds I found the fletched end, 100 yds after that no blood no deer. The blood trail Id found was between a fenceline and an unpicked cornfield I continued to walk the edge of the cornfield trying to pick up the trail again. I walked clear to the end when I got there I seen a buck on the fenceline about 50 yds north of me, not wanting to take any chances on it being him and running further away we went to town and waited 2 hours. When we got back I went back up there, still no blood no buck so we started walking the rows in the cornfield looking, but it didnt turn up anything the episode covered aprox 3/4 of a mile and lasted about 5 hours. We finally gave up I dont mind missing a deer but hitting one and not being able to find it just kills me.
I hope you find him! But, Man, you've got to use a period or two when you type a story! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/crazy.gif
man that sucks my buddy went trough the same kindof thing no deer half a arrow no more blood..hope something turns up for you.
Happened to me some time ago. At the time it was the biggest buck I'd ever shot at. We put in about 5 miles worth of tracking and 15+ hours. Found half the arrow shaft and no buck. I still keep that half of the arrow in my bow case to this day.
There you go Doc puncuated and all, I was being rushed by the Mrs. she pulled the "is that all you do is hunt, work and play on the computer?" card.
I would've kept tracking him no matter how long it took, but I just plain couldn't find anymore blood. The 2 biggest factors I believe were #1 when the deer was shot there was a heavy frost on the ground, as it warmed up the frost melted and washed away the blood on top the grass. #2 It got really dry and windy It made the blood on the corn really hard to see because it got dust covered fast and than dried quick.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: StixNstrings</div><div class="ubbcode-body">There you go Doc puncuated and all, I was being rushed by the Mrs. she pulled the "is that all you do is hunt, work and play on the computer?" card. </div></div>

How strange!!! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/eek.gif My wife say's the same thing, except there is a ... AND RIDE THE HARLEY!! .... thrown in there too!! /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/cool.gif

Sorry for your loss, but anyone who stay's at this game for long will lose one sooner or later! It sucks big! But it happens!
I went back out today, to give the field another look. I found the blood from yesterday, but still no new blood and no deer. Ill have to try to make good this weekend, if i dont get out for an afternoon hunt sooner.
I'm sorry if you took offense to my earlier post. I was only kidding. That's the bad thing about computers, it's tough to convey the complete "message". Good luck this week!
None taken what so ever, in fact as I was typing I was thinking I should probably use a punctuation mark or two. Though I am the King of run on sentences.