Senator Dearden and I are talking about having an interim study committee to investigate all of the deer seasons and out of state licenses this summer. Like you said, there is a lot of overlap – the DNR has tried to give everybody and their brother their own special season and it’s getting too complicated. We will see if we are privileged to serve on that commission if we have one.
stay in touch and stay safe,
This would be a great time to throw out a plug to join the IBA. As a newly elected Board member of the IBA I am learning a ton of what the IBA does that I did not know. They are on the pulse of all these new laws and I have been reading and sending dozens of emails daily with fellow board members as well as our representatives. We have to fight daily just to keep what we have here from being destroyed.
Joining is easy and you really can make a difference. Go to - you can even use paypal. Post up if you have joined or renewed to the IBA and if you have made your calls or emails to your representatives to express your thoughts on the bills at hand.
Still have yet to hear one good reason to pass this bill or any positive outcome of it - all I hear from everyone is negative connotations. Why is it still alive? What do they know that we don't?
Is everybody more upset because it would allow party hunting using other peoples tags? Or that more people would group hunt?