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Party hunting regs- clarification

Do away with party hunting isn't going to stop those who are trespassing. Party hunting has nothing to do with making them trespass! Same people will more than likely trespass if they go late ML, just who they are.
Also seems to be less hunters versus ten years ago, or atleast around the parts I hunt and talking to other people who hunt shotgun season. I don't get the argument if ten hunters have license and all hunt together. All ten shoot a deer, tags are filled and everybody's fine with that, but say two of the hunters didn't get a shot and a couple other hunters in the group did, and filled their tags. Everyone in the group is happy, but other hunters are complaining because they don't like party hunting.
This is what I hear a lot of from people who own land or just live in the country even. "We never have problems with hunters, besides the two gun seasons" and so those seasons get associated with the bad apples. I have that problem on a handful of parcels I have permission on. I'll mention it to the landowner or show trail cam pics and he kinda just shrugs, chalks it up to shit people and he doesn't want to make a stink, and we move on. I think that negative perception is a big problem.

Then you add that management wise, it's just not necessary at the current herd levels. Especially in western IA. Once upon a time, it was a way for DNR to have a ton of deer killed quickly and efficiently when the state NEEDED to kill 200k++ deer for carrying capacity and social acceptance. Now only 100k deer are killed per year, populations are still struggling to rebound from disease, and people are still saying that they aren't seeing any deer and that party hunters are trespassing to kill indiscriminately... bye bye
Lots of stupid people out there. Gun hunter’s violations are much more visible and in such a small time period that it sticks out more. That doesn’t help the perception. Maybe bow season and late muzzleloader aren’t necessary anymore if the population is so bad.
Lots of stupid people out there. Gun hunter’s violations are much more visible and in such a small time period that it sticks out more. That doesn’t help the perception. Maybe bow season and late muzzleloader aren’t necessary anymore if the population is so bad.
Totally agree on sentences 1-3, and not bashing gun hunters as a whole but we need to recognize the bad apples and call them out.

As for sentence 4- I think you missed the point. This isn't archery vs gun vs muzzleloader. My family does all 3. This is about party hunting, the history of why Iowa has it, and a discussion about it's future and relevancy in whitetail management.
Totally agree on sentences 1-3, and not bashing gun hunters as a whole but we need to recognize the bad apples and call them out.

As for sentence 4- I think you missed the point. This isn't archery vs gun vs muzzleloader. My family does all 3. This is about party hunting, the history of why Iowa has it, and a discussion about it's future and relevancy in whitetail management.
I didn’t miss the point. Not necessarily you but in general everyone points to changing gun hunting regs first when trying to solve our current issues. Other than the addition of using straight walls nothing has really changed in gun hunting for over 40 years. There was way way more parting hunting and deer drives back when our deer herd was at it’s peak and there was more access then too. So what has happened ?
I totally hear you there. I don't have a magic bullet (pun intended) and there is something to be said that people are trying to hit the "easy" button with regulations that don't really do much in the long run. But I don't see tradition as the sole reason to save party hunting being enough. "That's the way we've always done things" is the kiss-of-death phrase as culture moves through time.
I totally hear you there. I don't have a magic bullet (pun intended) and there is something to be said that people are trying to hit the "easy" button with regulations that don't really do much in the long run. But I don't see tradition as the sole reason to save party hunting being enough. "That's the way we've always done things" is the kiss-of-death phrase as culture moves through time.
Totally agree there. Again, I really don’t mean to disagree with you personally but I am just amazed by the amount of people that are totally supportive of getting rid of something they’ve never done or have no intentions of doing but once somebody brings up making changes to something they enjoy all hell breaks loose.
On paper eliminating party hunting may not be a ban on deer drives but if followed to the letter of the law in practice it is in many areas of the state. With only one tag available to each guy in the group the guys in the group goes away in a hurry.

You don’t have to share tags to do deer drives, guys are doing deer drives during late muzzleloader season nowadays

If I remember correctly the law states you must have a valid tag for the season. Doesn’t state valid unfilled tag. You can still drive but once your tag is filled you better not be carrying a gun. If a guy doesn’t want to participate because he can’t carry a gun then he’s not there for the camaraderie.

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You don’t have to share tags to do deer drives, guys are doing deer drives during late muzzleloader season nowadays

If I remember correctly the law states you must have a valid tag for the season. Doesn’t state valid unfilled tag. You can still drive but once your tag is filled you better not be carrying a gun. If a guy doesn’t want to participate because he can’t carry a gun then he’s not there for the camaraderie.

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I don't think you can push deer without a valid tag even if you're not carrying a gun?
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I don't think you can push deer without a valid tag even if you're not carrying a gun?

If that was the case then groups should get smaller and smaller the way it is. Party hunting only refers to someone in the group tagging a deer. Someone tags your deer with their last tag they can’t hunt any more because they don’t have a valid tag.



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Party hunting and deer drives are two separate things. Can't party hunt during late muzzleloader. You can do a deer drive during LM, but once you tag a deer and don't have another valid deer tag, you can't keep driving deer, even if you don't carry a gun.
Party hunting and deer drives are two separate things. Can't party hunt during late muzzleloader. You can do a deer drive during LM, but once you tag a deer and don't have another valid deer tag, you can't keep driving deer, even if you don't carry a gun.
Your first and second comments are correct. Your last sentence is not. You can assist others if you have a valid license for that season, even if your tag is filled. Same thing when turkey hunting.
If party hunting were to be banned more than likely the regs would read exactly like the turkey regs that clearly state that the assisting hunter may not carry a firearm unless he has an unfilled tag. Can guarantee everybody will whine and jump to change any perceived loophole. The bigger question is who cares?? Late muzzleloader season was already created for the residents who did not like all the group hunting and party hunting that took place during the shotgun seasons. People like that already have their own special season!! When is enough enough!! Look at the harvest data and participation data from 30 years ago.. Bow hunters and late muzzleloader hunters have steadily and consistently taken a larger share of deer than they did back when those seasons started. What do they do when they start to notice things going downhill?? They blame gun hunters!! Again!! We should be thankful we have an awesome bow season and should let the gun hunters be happy with what they like. The happier the gun hunters are the less likely they will be looking to screw up bow season for us.
You don’t have to share tags to do deer drives, guys are doing deer drives during late muzzleloader season nowadays

If I remember correctly the law states you must have a valid tag for the season. Doesn’t state valid unfilled tag. You can still drive but once your tag is filled you better not be carrying a gun. If a guy doesn’t want to participate because he can’t carry a gun then he’s not there for the camaraderie.

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Can guys with filled tags at least carry the good ol' hammer and sickle?
Can guys with filled tags at least carry the good ol' hammer and sickle?
It seems you are calling those who push deer communists. I assume you meant to call anyone who opposes using someone else's tag on a deer a communist. In either case the apology for attacking people sure didn't last long. We all know your position as you have stated it many times. If calling people a communist is all you have left in the debate - it might be time to give it a rest.

The hammer and sickle part was a joke. I’d rather have a spear or the slingshot somebody else mentioned. Bowhunters get over 2 months to hunt!! 2 virtually uninterrupted months (other than early muzzleloader)!! We have the ENTIRE RUT to hunt. Our bow season does not get any better or EASIER!! We have constantly tried to make bowhunting easier and easier! Look what we have access to now that we didn’t 30 years ago! US bowhunters have had a HUGE part in the current problems with access and everything else in this state and all we want to do is point at others causing this. This whole I can’t win by the rules so we better change them stuff never works out in the long run. Eventually if we rig this whole thing even more towards bowhunters our season will be the main target for “change” for people in the future that feel things are not good enough for them. Then what are we going to be stuck with?? We’ll be stuck with the same type of garbage regs as every other state with way less habitat to support them.
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It seems you are calling those who push deer communists. I assume you meant to call anyone who opposes using someone else's tag on a deer a communist. In either case the apology for attacking people sure didn't last long. We all know your position as you have stated it many times. If calling people a communist is all you have left in the debate - it might be time to give it a rest.

I was not the one who originally compared Mr. Walker to a commi icon. I had also previously asked how the AK works on coyotes. This was a reference to that and not the funneling of power to the top that often happens when a utopia is promised. Even if that isn’t the goal it is usually the result.
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