When you guys pass deer with the intention of letting them get another year bigger does this generally work out for you? I'm just curious how often a buck is passed and actually harvested?
By passing I mean either choosing to not hunt a specific buck or passing a shot opportunity, so basically any deer that has potential to be a shooter so you let him go with hopes he makes it another year.
I know there are a ton of variables and some of you guys with big tracts probably have better success because you can control a lot of the variables.
Me on the other hand, my areas are pretty high pressure, so of the deer I have passed I have killed one out of 12 or so in the last 4 years. Quite frankly that sucks. Three of those bucks were killed by other hunters, but most deer just disappeared at some point, so I have no idea what happened to them.
A couple of the bucks I have passed have been mature deer that I would have been happy to wrap my tag around, but I risked it and gambled on them making it another year because they had crazy upside. I'm starting to question a couple of those passes, you know the whole bird in hand is better than two in the bush situation. At what point does passing a mature buck in a high pressure area become foolish? What do you guys experience?
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