Patching Camo


New Member
My camo pants are getting a little cold with all the holes I have ripped in the crotch and thighs crossing fenses, etc. Anyone have any good ideas on fixing them up? The only thing I can think of is iron on patches or sewing them together and calling it good.
on all my camo thats tore i take old pair junk carhartts and sew that in there and never had problem since three years later still just like new
I have two pair of the Predator six pocket camo pants. I think they are cotton (also have a pair of the buckswuede that is holding up real well). They are quiet and pretty warm except for these holes now that it is getting colder. I really noticed it today with the wind and it wasn't even that cold.
If the hole isn't too big and frayed, you sew the sides of the rip together. I've had good luck using that kevlar "Spiderwire" braided fishing line as sewing thread. It's tough as nails and seems to hold up to abuse really well. The green color should blend well with most of your camo.