Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

people make me sick!!!!!!

I'm guessing they have never tried a big backstrap, wrapped in bacon, hot off the grill.

Those poeple are meaner and more wicked than any hunter I've ever met!!!!
That link should be required reading for hunter safety courses.
We all know those kind of people are out there but tend to forget about them until something like this comes along.
Those kind of people are total whack jobs and will stop at nothing to stop what we do.
I once read a peice on PETA'S web site about how to make your dog or cat to be vegitarian. Talk about cruelity to animals! They live in a very sheltered world where everything is rosey. They haven't a clue where the glue that holds the shoes they are wearing together came from.
As they sit in their offices admiring the Teak furniture, do you suppose they feel sorry for the Asian elephant that has been forced to work it's whole life dragging out those logs? Then when they go in for the annual Botox treatments, I wonder if they really care about all the chimps it was tested on first?
The list can go on and on.
This subject is a real sore spot for me. The best we can do is to keep ourselves informed and educated as to what these people are doing. Present a positive image to the non hunters. We don't want to make them anti hunters.
Holy S$$%! I knew they were out there, but guess it never dawned on me that there would be a forum for them too. I absolutely cannot believe the things they are writing. I'm with you TeeRoy..I want to join up and post away until they boot me.
uh....I just went in the chat room on that site and was able to start a fight with 3 words. All I said was "deer hunting rocks" just to see what happened...and was instantly blasted....holy cow they are freaks. One could have some serious fun with them....
That stuff is just beyond me. I knew there was people like that, but that is just sick. I can't believe an actual human being can think like that towards another. I feel sorry for that hunters family, and I pray that they never have to see this, and may he rest in peace.
That just blows my mind. Some of those people have problems and issues. Makes me sick to read some of that stuff.
I cannot believe what I just read! You know, as a Christian everything is so clear. And even if someone is a different religion or athiest, common sense would undermine everything they have written or said on that site! Those are some confused individuals. They need our prayers, and to taste test some venison
i read the first 2 pages, and the last page. i am dumber from the experience. these people need some help
All I got out of it, is that these people are not Christians. What a shocker. Too bad that deer in Target didn't run over a few of them!
Just out of curiousity, I wonder what their stance is on mountain lions or coyotes or any other predator? Are they "evil" or "bad" animals too? On their best day, they are barely smart enough to be idiots!
An old saying comes to mind.

There's room for all God's creatures, right next to the potatoes and gravy.

Thanks for the FREAKSHOW.
I registered just to tell them what sick fucks they are but the post has been locked for new replies. I hope they get attacked by a mountain lion so they can explain to the stupid predator that eating meat is bad and cruel.
I'd like to see one of them smoke a deer on the highway. Just to see thier reaction. I wonder if they would try to rush it to the hospital. Give it mouth to mouth.
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