Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company


few questions for you Josh. What part of Mississippi are you from? How old are you? Sorry to Hijack your thread, but inquiring minds want to know.
Personally I think they suck ..... the nut roll that is. But hey if the deer like them :)

Mobile Cooter
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Cooter said:
School not start yet? If it has you need to get off your phone or whatever and work on your studies :)

Mobile Cooter

It has started but I'm home schooled I'm done with school in about 3 hours!
Literacy is important. Study hard my friend :way:

Back in the day salty nut roll was the way to go.Then started putting out Cherry Mash nothing better in the world. Have killed twenty two 200"er's over Cherry Mash.
Back in the day salty nut roll was the way to go.Then started putting out Cherry Mash nothing better in the world. Have killed twenty two 200"er's over Cherry Mash.

I'm gonna stick with the SNR, 60% of the time, they work everytime!
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