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Pheasant hunt


PMA Member
I was asked Friday night to go pheasant hunting and since I handn't shot a pheasant in a few years, I was all in.

It was windy and cold but on our first drive we shot 8 birds and ended the morning with 12. Good time and I even took a double on that first push (not too hard when they flush at 15 yards). We saw more birds than I thought we would which is a good sign since numbers are down.

That's a great hunt for this late in the year....especially with the numbers they way they are down there. Congrats!!!
Awesome! I love pheasant hunting I just wish there were more by me (and I wish I was more willing to give up a few days of deer hunting). congrats and sounds like fun!!!
WOW, that's a nice picture with some birds. I miss pheasant hunting. The numbers are non-existent where I hunt, plus a lot of the CRP I used to hunt is now back in the "crop-rotation."
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