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Poaching for money


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The criminal profile of deer poachers has changed from a boozy scofflaw looking for free meat and thrills to a greedy self-aggrandizer with an antler affinity bordering on addiction.

“A lot of people today — whether it’s collectors willing to pay big money for them or the poachers taking risks to get them — are just addicted to big antlers,” said Mark Sedlmayr, a Department of Natural Resources law enforcement supervisor in southwest Iowa.

To illustrate his point, Sedlmayr recalled one case in which a busted perpetrator was handing over illegally taken antlers to a DNR officer. “He sort of fondled each set as he told exactly when, where and how he got it,” Sedlmayr said.

DNR conservation officers across the state say deer poachings are keeping them busy this year.

“The underground antler trade is big,” with some ill-gotten racks fetching five-figure prices, Sedlmayr said.

Asked why someone might pay thousands of dollars for a trophy rack harvested illegally by someone else, Jennifer Lancaster, the DNR law enforcement supervisor in northeast Iowa, said: “Some people just really like antlers and don’t care how they come by them.”

Lancaster said bragging rights often motivate poachers who are not in it for the money.
“They try to pass off a poached buck as a legitimate trophy to impress their friends,” she said.

Sedlmayr said he is particularly galled by poachers who cut off a buck’s antlers and leave the carcass to rot — a practice he calls “shooting deer and twisting heads.”
“They are not shooting them for the meat,” he said.

Lancaster said DNR officers have encountered a rash of non-resident poachings. Iowa’s reputation as the home of trophy whitetail bucks has spurred the influx, said Sedlmayr, a 26-year DNR employee.

“You watch the Outdoor Channel on cable TV, and it seems like half the shows are about Iowa whitetails,” he said.

While the DNR welcomes the publicity for the state’s excellent deer hunting, “it also draws poachers to Iowa,” Sedlmayr said.

Several of the DNR’s recent poaching busts have involved non-residents who legally procured Iowa antlerless tags, which are easy to get, and used them as a pretext to hunt deer in Iowa while poaching bucks for which they had no valid license.

“Non-residents come here with doe tags, but they want to kill bucks. They are not here to help us control our deer population,” Sedlmayr said.

DNR deer biologist Tom Litchfield confirmed that a low percentage of non-resident antlerless tags are ever filled.

In once recent case, in which three Louisiana men were charged with multiple deer poachings, an Iowa resident was accused of purchasing tags from other Iowa resident hunters for use by the non-residents. “They were paying $125 for those any-sex tags,” Sedlmayr said.

The state charges $426 for a non-resident ant-sex tag, $28.50 for resident.
Litchfield said some non-resident archery hunters have to apply for four years before receiving an any-sex Iowa license but said that increasing the quota also would decrease access for Iowa hunters.

Besides, he said, “the fact that people are stealing something is no justification for giving them what they are stealing.”

DNR conservation officer Dan Pauley, who works in western Iowa, said deer poaching cases have occupied almost all his time this year.

With Iowa’s pheasant population in free fall, legitimate hunters and poachers are concentrating more on deer, Pauley said.

“I don’t know if poaching is on the increase, but we are getting a lot more tips from the public about it,” he said.

Those tips have been instrumental in bringing poachers to justice, Sedlmayr said.
Catching poachers is difficult, he said, because they operate in remote locations, often under cover of darkness and their trail is often cold by the time conservation officers receive a tip.

Iowa does not have specialized poaching investigators like some other states do. Conservation officers, working for the most part in two-county territories, rely heavily on long hours of surveillance and other standard detective techniques to make their cases, Sedlmayr said.
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In 2005 a friend and I went to Kansas to hunt during the early muzzleloader season. It was blistering hot during the mid-day, so one afternoon we stopped by a DNR office to chat with a Conservation Officer. One of the questions I asked was about mature bucks. Where were they? He told me that the Kansas DNR had just busted a huge ring of commercial poacher that were selling the antlers. If I remember correct he said nearly 20 poachers were busted. And almost all of them were making enough off of the poaching revenue that they didn't need an actual job. They were poaching trophy white-tailed bucks for a living. I have hunted in Iowa for 10 years now. In the areas we hunt there are actually less deer hunters now, than 10 years ago. But, there are also less trophy bucks being seen as well. The general consensus is that poachers are now taking a large percentage of the trophy bucks in the area. One can write down the license plate of strange vehicles cruising in the area during the day. But, catching them in the act while shining deer at night is much more difficult. I think this article hits it on the head. Commercial poaching has arrived in Iowa.
It's far more prevalent in many areas than folks realize. Often they chalk up poor mature buck sightings to low deer #'s, bad weather, poor rut or bad movement- NOPE. Some areas have a night crew working over-time to get any big buck they can and I know for a fact they are decimating areas. Thankfully I have major security, screens, monitoring and great neighbors by me BUT numerous buddies of mine are having their areas ravaged. Most folks don't even realize it. Be diligent with patrols, screening, cameras, getting the word out, posting TIP signs, etc, etc.
The dnr in Mi estimates as many deer are taken illegally as legally.That is alot of deer. I know it goes on in my area. I have found deer with heads off in ditches every fall. Couple of last poachers caught were 10 miles from me. In summer I usually hear a rifle shot from somewhere in the distance around midnight, throughout the summer. I knew of a renouned poacher , in the State I left, who bragged in the bars about the bucks he'd gotten. He was raising his son to do the same thing. It was a game with him? DNR was always on his trail.
I find it interesting that the original article states "the underground antler trade is big". Guys, I've been buying and selling antlers for going on 25 years, I know and regularly do business with a bunch of collectors across the U.S. People know me from ebay and antler auctions, and you know what? I've never had any questionable characters want to sell me antlers or any other horn. All of the people I do business with are very careful on documentation (tags and history of the deer) before they lay hard cash down. I'm not saying these criminals don't exist, but making people think there is some secret antler black market out there is a little extreme. My point is ......"most" collectors are honest people that purchase antlers because of their love of the animal and sometimes to make a few bucks.
Oh, by the way......for the past 5-6 years I've only bought and sold wild sheds, and a few big skulls that came from Preserve deer. There is never a question where they came from.
Heck, the recent bust in fairfield, ia was for 3 guys who made their living selling poached buck's heads and I can think of 4 other examples of groups getting busted for that and that's off the top of my head. I personally don't know any buyers and I'm sure most are ethical and try and buy stuff they "believe" is legit- gotta think some get fooled though. .
I find it interesting that the original article states "the underground antler trade is big". Guys, I've been buying and selling antlers for going on 25 years, I know and regularly do business with a bunch of collectors across the U.S. People know me from ebay and antler auctions, and you know what? I've never had any questionable characters want to sell me antlers or any other horn. All of the people I do business with are very careful on documentation (tags and history of the deer) before they lay hard cash down. I'm not saying these criminals don't exist, but making people think there is some secret antler black market out there is a little extreme. My point is ......"most" collectors are honest people that purchase antlers because of their love of the animal and sometimes to make a few bucks.

I'm with Bruce all the way with this one. I've bought and resold thousands of antlers in the past 25 years and have never had any questions about where they came from or where they were going. Most guys want documentation before laying down significant money. It would be interesting to see where these poachers were selling the antlers? Notice these buyers are never named or pointed out? Wont doubt that its happened, but I doubt the black market is as big as they want us to believe. Awhile back there was a young guy who sold 4 B&C racks on Ebay that he supposedly killed on his Dads property in Iowa. Four deer with B&C scores (may have been gross numbers) taken by a young man. I really questioned his ligitimacy. Ebay, Craigslist and the Internet in general have opened up a sales avenue that was never there in the past. However, most people still demand legal documentation about the kill. I went to an auction a month ago, there was to be a 194 typical set of antlers to sell. I questioned it before I even got there because of what I know about the MN record book bucks. When I arrived it was quit apparent to me that it was a game farm deer. However, the seller insisted it was a wild buck. The crowd demanded documentation but the seller couldnt prove anything. The deer no-saled at $350.00 because nothing about its origins could be proven. In all my years in the business Ive never been asked to keep anything under the table or asked to keep something quiet. I have received a few questionable phone calls, but I suspect they were from the USFWS checking to see if I was on top of the laws. If someone tells you they have a 200 inch typical for sale and the deer was found dead, you better question it.
So what type of documentation are you guys talking about? A deer tag? Trail camera pictures? I'm curious what kind of solid documentation you are referring to on wild bucks that are killed and sold.
george waters was not a collector, he was a con man, plain and simple. Documentation would include a valid tag for sure, newspaper articles help a bunch since most poachers don't want it known they killed the buck and for sure a salvage tag if the buck was found or hit by a vehicle.
george waters was not a collector, he was a con man, plain and simple. Documentation would include a valid tag for sure, newspaper articles help a bunch since most poachers don't want it known they killed the buck and for sure a salvage tag if the buck was found or hit by a vehicle.

Exactly. Anything that can prove the animal was taken legally. Here in MN we have to register all harvested deer, receiving a registration tag. Although this is not 100% fool proof, it is a very good start and will weed some of the questionable deer out of circulation. There is always the wait and see attitude. If a person brings me a fresh set of antler, I like them to wait several months before selling to me. This allows them to be sure they want to sell because once they do they will never get it back. It also allows time for any possible rumors to to play out or for the game cops to finish any investigation that may be going on.
Of the 4-5 cases I know of in SE iowa where guys were killing and selling wild bucks - enough to make a living from them- 2 of these cases (don't know about other cases) the guys were putting harvest tags on them- making them "appear" legal. I would assume they just sold them to buyers who didn't investigate or didn't have the ethics u all do. Always sounded like they had no problems finding buyers. The amount of bucks this last group recently busted killed and sold is staggering.
I have found deer with heads off in ditches every fall.

There may well be poaching going on in your area, I really do not know. But a deer in the ditch with his head cut off may very well be a roadkill that someone else then took the head.
Unless they are in ditches on gravel roads, along with bags of garbage and TV sets, the way i find them around here.
I would guess a fair number of "documented" bucks are in fact poached. It woudl not be hard to get harvest tags placed on a poached deer. You can be as careful and ethical as you want and you are still very likely to buy and sell antlers that have been poached. The only way to stop the demand and poaching is to make it illegal to sell antlers. Then the only trade would in fact be blackmarket and it would be easy to prosecute offenders.
I would guess a fair number of "documented" bucks are in fact poached. It woudl not be hard to get harvest tags placed on a poached deer. You can be as careful and ethical as you want and you are still very likely to buy and sell antlers that have been poached. The only way to stop the demand and poaching is to make it illegal to sell antlers. Then the only trade would in fact be blackmarket and it would be easy to prosecute offenders.

I have never bought or sold an antler in my life but the last thing this country needs is anymore government regulation on anything. Why stop at antlers ,no one would steal copper either if it was illegal to sell it. Heck, why should it be legal to sell anything, why not just let the government give us all what we need?

Slime bags are gonna be slime bags regardless of what rules are in place.
I have never bought or sold an antler in my life but the last thing this country needs is anymore government regulation on anything. Why stop at antlers ,no one would steal copper either if it was illegal to sell it. Heck, why should it be legal to sell anything, why not just let the government give us all what we need?

Slime bags are gonna be slime bags regardless of what rules are in place.

I'd buy you a beer if I could. Nicely put regarding the damn government.
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