In my opinion one should pay very close attention to mast crops especially while bow hunting in October.
In good mast crop years the woods floor is covered with this easy food source. This is the time that those bucks are trying to put on some weight prior to the rut and winter. If you are a fall turkey hunter you will also find turkeys utilizing the acorns.
I have in the past hunted and harvested deer under Oak trees well into November.
In my area the deer seem to have little interest in acorns once the snow flies. Either they have eaten all the acorns up by then, or find that they must use up to much energy pawing through the snow for them.
The deer seem to prefer the agriculture crops during the late fall and winter months. Alfalpha fields are good up until there is a hard freeze. Clover fields are a great place to harvest a late season muzzleloader buck. Soy beans and corn are always good places to harvest a deer, however, in my opinion they prefer corn during cold weather. Standing corn if one is lucky enough to find it during the late muzzleloader season is a real hotspot for deer.