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Possible Poacher. Story County


Well-Known Member
Was called by the landowner of where I hunt asking if I had shot and lost a deer this morning because there was a dead one laying in the cornfield next to the highway with an arrow sticking out of it. So I got up and walked the mile to find two sheriffs and I stopped and talked to them and they said to go pull the arrow out. When i pulled it out it was a crossbow bolt. If anyone knows who shoots these bolts in The Nevada/ Colo area let me know.
Did it look like it was shot and killed in the field? See any blood trail? Any way, hope you find who did it if poached or if killed legally hope the hunter is able to recover the animal.
I didn't look real hard with the sheriffs being there I went back to talk to them. It was shot like the deer was walking quartering hard to the bolt went in in front of the front shoulder which makes me think some one shot it from the road. I know all of the bowhunters around the area and none of them knew about anyone using a crossbow
I have heard of guys shooting from vehicles with a crossbow. I know a few years back that someone was doing this around Springbrook State Park near Guthrie Center.
Something that's happening more and more. My target back from last year was found the same way. Many more were found in previous years in the same area as I'm describing.
There are lots of guys hunting in the state with a "legal" crossbow permit that you'd never be able to recognize as having any sort of handicap. So I guess you never know who might be using one and nobody had a clue.

When I was at ISU I shed hunted all over Ames. One winter I shed hunted behind the DNR nursery over by the soccer fields on the south side of 30 off of Duff. The deer were pounding the nursery at night feeding and it looked like a cow lot with so many tracks. I found two or three crossbow bolts laying in the nursery, one of them had a lot of fat on it. To this day I am still guessing that it was from someone who parked in the nursery and shot at the deer when they came in to feed in the evening/night.

The bolts had had two green and one orange fletching, what color is the other fletching on that bolt?
There are lots of guys hunting in the state with a "legal" crossbow permit that you'd never be able to recognize as having any sort of handicap. So I guess you never know who might be using one and nobody had a clue.

Shooting a crossbow from a vehicle: what says they bothered to get a license? Might not like the attention a gunshot brings.
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