Posting Property


New Member
I am trying to talk a landowner into letting me post his property this fall. It would be at my expense and am looking for a little guidance on what has worked well for those of you fortunate enough to own your own land. I'd go so far as to have signs printed specifically for the property if it is money well spent?

Thanks for any ideas.
I don't think signs make a lot of difference. Everyone knows you cant just walk onto private property without permission . The only time I think it really makes a difference is distinguishing property lines.with that said I doubt they are gonna hurt and I would think any sign would have the same effect. They may stop someone who had permission 5 years ago from thinking they have lifetime access.
Maybe a sign that states the area has trial cams/survelience equipment in it might help. I've see some signs like that around here.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: bowstring</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Maybe a sign that states the area has trial cams/survelience equipment in it might help. I've see some signs like that around here. </div></div>

Help get your stuff stolen.
Thanks for the replies, sounds like signs may be a waste. A property owner on ajoining ground put up signs that the ground was leased and a reward would be paid for turning in trespassers. Does offering money change anything?

Every fall we have problems with people shooting in from the road. Sometimes they leave it lay other times they do a quick drag and speed away. Last fall a young man was killed by a road hunter down in Kansas. The turd doing the shooting is now convicted and awaiting sentencing. It just really bugs me when I have my boys with me and am just trying to minimize the risk.
I don't yet own my own land, but I help maintain and monitor the land I hunt.
Signs don't do much, however, they do help some and are cheap and worth what little you pay.
The best way that I know to protect your hunting ground is talk to all the people that live around and ask them to call you if they see things that don't belong. Them comes the hard part, you need to go out every time and check out whatever made the people call, confront people glassing, spoting or whatever. Then folloow up with who called and tell them thanks for calling you at 10:30 pm. In short, a sign can't call a cop or CO, the poachers need to know you can and will.

excuse me while I put my soap box away.
In some states you can go on un-posted land until the owner asks you to leave.

Signs just reenforce the fact that the land owner may not want everyone wandering through there property. Where Im from, if you see a piece that is posted you might as well not ask becuase the owner doesnt want anyone in there. Most private is posted. If a poacher is a serious a sign isnt going to stop them regardless of what it says.
I would spend the few dollars and time to post it, if it keeps 1 out of 10 people wander through the property or shooting a buck in the headlights, or whatever it will be worth it.

You don't actually have to have the equipment out there just a scare tactic. Plus they have the cameras now that will send a picture of what was taken to your phone within 40 seconds. If they did take it you'd still have a nice pic of them. They are pricey plus you have to pay a monthy fee for the service.
If it were me and saw the sign I wouldn't take my chances I'd worry more about that than just a regular trespassing sign.
technology is a wonderful thing.
I do in fact think signs work! Not for all of course BUT I think they help greatly.
It makes a lot of people nervous, especially when they could tresspass anywhere- they look at the non-posted property that they know isn't cared about or monitored BEFORE they want to take the risk of going on the one that's freshly posted and they think it's monitord (trail-cams or whatever). *I wouldn't go overboard with these huge reward signs and huge Surveillance camera signs, I see them near my land and i think it's just a major step further than needed (regular signs make the same point) that just makes you look like a jack-a$$. Make your point tastefully, IMO.

I had 3 years on an 80 with NO SIGNS, every year- groups of guys. I posted it, let everyone knew I was respectfully getting sick of it AND I let people know I used trail-cams for deer (which is seriously my main reason for using them) and I'd say tresspassing went down by 90%.

Many guys out there aren't looking for the super-crafty way to sneak on, there's sure a handfull that are BUT I'd say 70% are not. Who wants to hunt when you're all nervous and doing what is so OBVIOUSLY not cool?!?! I'd say 70% don't do that. Post, talk around and watch it close and you'll REDUCE problems. Thinking and trying to stop 100% of people will just stress you out- DON'T WORRY BOUT IT past doing the above.

*I also set many Booby-Traps, tigers in pits, nets that pull you up in the trees, swinging swords, trip wires with grenades and shotguns with trip wires- Unintendend consequence is I killed all my deer as well /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif
I've noticed alot of signs up here must be a useful tool to sight in rifles............
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: moosehunter</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I've noticed alot of signs up here must be a useful tool to sight in rifles............

Same in my area Moose, I am helping the neighbor kids become more accurate with their pellet and .22 guns. They are drilling the inside of the O.

I have heard that if you post property with a, "leased hunting" sign that when someone is caught trespassing a more severe penalty can be brought upon the trespasser. This may be just a rumor in my area, not sure. Can anyone verify that rumor?
Here in NE, if land isn't posted no tresspassing every certain distance then a tresspasser will not be prosecuted, only warned. The incident is recorded and then if the same party is caught tresspassing on same property they will be charged with tresspassing. So in NE if one wants to prosecute a tresspasser on there land if caught needs to have the signs up. They need to say no tresspassing at the minimum. If the sign just says no hunting or fishing or includes with permission only it means nothing.

I believe signs do help, are fairly inexpensive, but will not stop everything. Personal vigilance is needed to get the message out. I believe having tresspassers prosecuted is the only way to get the message out, it makes the papers, people talk,etc. An ass chewing just makes an ass out of the owner and gives the tresspasser a laugh and acomplishes nothing IMO.

Good luck this season.
Up here it is legal to hunt land that is not posted without permission from the land owner.

We post up all our families land tight...

I put up enough signs that if a tresspasser is caught there is no way they can say they didn't see a sign.

My brother and I busted some out of state Pheasant hunters from Michigan last year tresspassing on our land.

They even tried to bribe us not to call the warden and they knew my brother was a police officer...

I have no sympathy for tresspassers....if I catch you, you are going to get a fine plain and simple.

I have a lot of family and friends that hunt on our land, so I am not going to let some tresspasser take any of those opportunities away from them.
The local warden is a friend of mine and I asked him once about this issue. He said "the first thing I ask when I get a trespass complaint is 'was the border posted with signs at appropriate intervals?' Without that, its tougher to make a case and the trespasser usually gets a warning."

So I said "What happens if people start knocking down signs?" (This has happened in my area). He said "The day you go out to put up signs, take a camera or videorecorder so the event date is on file. Once the property is posted, its posted for the year."

Documentation is important. If you cannot catch the trespasser (or don't want the confrontation--read the WI newspapers from the last couple years on this issue)take a photo of him, his vehicle, etc. so you have proof that this was the man on your land.

And the #1 thing you can do after that? Prosecute (not warn) the first guy you catch. These people gather in bars and the talk spreads. Reputation is everything.
OK, so maybe signs are worth it after all. Anybody have a link to a supplier/printer where a guy could have some printed up? Also, what is an appropriate posting distance? I suppose one should order twice as many as may be needed as many will be stolen or shot up.
The company I work for uses Mid National Graphics for a lot of the signs on their jobsites. They do some good work. I'm not sure what their prices are though.

Mid National Graphics
803 S Kennedy Ave
Madrid, IA 50156

Phone 515-795-3027
Fax 515-795-3102
You should get Lee and Tiffany's 3D SignPost. Very difficult to read and easily mistaken with underground utility markers. Plus I'm sure that they are only $499.99!!! And I'll bet they are available in scent lok too!