Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



PMA Member
Seems late to have poults this young?

They’re definitely turkey tho, I could hear the “kee kee” coming from some other chicks in the forbs.

The oats and young alfalfa is definitely some great brooding habitat as that’s what they were coming out of.

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I finally saw a few a week or so ago in Ringgold county that were slightly larger than those. Slightly. Seemed really late but I'll take them.
Haven't seen a single poult on camera yet. A few turkeys though here and there.

Saw a single hen in our field yesterday, possible she had some tiny ones that I didn't see.
Never seen a poult in my life until last year. There just arent many turkeys here. Now there have been baby turkeys two years in a row. I think she's nesting in the native grasses I've established. Have waged war on coons and coyotes the last two years too. Pretty awesome to seeIMG_9366.JPG!!
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