Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Prairie Doggin'


PMA Member
I'm stoked! Leaving on Friday afternoon and heading to SD to do some prairie dog annihilation with some extended family. Only gonna be shooting for one day, but should be well worth it! I'm trying to come up with a way to attach a camera to my scope and video some of the shots through the scope, might be kinda cool. Anyway, not that it really matters, but I just had to let you guys know. I hope to update with some pics after the event. If you have any advice, bring it on.
It's a blasty BLAST!
I went last summer in WY and had an awesome time!
Make sure you have some decent glass and maybe a spotting scope.
next time I'm gonna set up the camera on a tripod behind the spotting scope to get some video. :way:
Wait till they are all the way out of the hole till you shoot, otherwise they just clog up that hole.
If you're shooting .223, use some 40-45 gr. ammo to make some red mist/chunks!
Try a 22 also.......the quieter the weapon, the better :drink2:
Next time I go, my group will be bringing supressors and this little guy to reach out and touch em. :D

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