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PMA Member
Just wanted to let everyone know dbltree (Paul) could use some prayers - this is what he posted on the OO site recently:

I shed some tears over the weekend unable to post my devotional or operate my mouse please pray for me

I stopped and saw Paul a couple weeks ago - was great to see him. He looked great but can't speak or move really. He was laughing as my boys were running all over his house though :)

He can operate his wheel chair moving his head side to side but is pretty much limited to that.

For those that know, Paul has been posting devotionals for years on our Outreach site - I'm sure there will be a devotional book for outdoorsmen someday....

Here is our "selfie" -

Prayers sent. Paul, you have touched so many people by sharing your passion for the outdoors! Keep strong.
I think about Paul and his family everyday. I could never repay him for how much help he has given me. Stay positive, we're all keeping you in our prayers.
Prayers to the Knox's! I'm thinking we need another auction or at a minimum an IowaWhitetail .com member ice bucket challenge!
Hate to hear of this. Prayers continue for the Knox family.

FYI - I was recently speaking to a neighbor and was informed by him that his son (mid-30's) has finally been diagnosed with chronic lyme also. His son is a commercial pilot and he and his family are now back with his parents since he can't fly during his recovery. Fortunately his symptons are more related to forgetfulness, disorientation, etc. rather than nervous system consequences like Paul's. The neighbor was amazed that I was familiar with another case and stated that his son battled finding a physician to treat it after their suspicion was pointing them towards lyme disease. According the my neighbor (who is a pretty sharp guy), most physicians stay away from these types of cases since the governing medical bodies don't seem to be on board with the whole chronic lyme situation. My neighbor stated that according to one piece of research they found, a startling percentage of ALS diagnosis are thought to possibly be lyme rather than ALS.

Anyone else familiar with any more cases of these type of situations. Scary thought given all of our shared interests in the outdoors.
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