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I was just thinking about Paul and wondering how he was doing. I got on IW now just to see if there were any updates so I'm very glad you shared this.

Stay strong Paul. All I can say is that your life and the dignity with which you live it is an inspiration to us all.
Prayers sent from me and my family, I do not know Paul personally (wish I did) but I have read every letter he has written on this site and I hope he knows he has impacted my life with his knowledge and grace and I have shared that knowledge with my kids as we walk our land and as we just simply drive through the Iowa countryside.
Here is another update from Paul's wife Lori on OO:
Hi everyone, This is Lori, Paul's wife. Paul is unable to use the computer mouse, he just doesn't have the strength. We are in the process of having a tech come to our home to get his eye gaze computer hooked up to the internet, This will allow Paul to answer all email through the eye gaze. Please pray that we can get this to work for Paul, it has been a problem, it will not stay connected. gerrr. Paul of course is very sadden that he can not answer right now, it is his only purpose he has left to share and witness to the people on OO. So we are asking for many prayers to get the EG up and running. Take care everyone and thank you all for your kind comments and prayers for Paul. God Bless
Prayers sent, I don't know Paul personally but really have appreciated all the great information he has provided.
Thank you!!!
Fantastic picture! Paul has bright eyes and a great big smile which says a TON about the kind of man he is after all he's gone through. Its completely understandable that Paul is down about not being able to share his faith through his devotionals, but at the same time, what a testimony there is in that picture alone. For those of us that know what Paul is battling, seeing him with a genuine smile like this is as much of a showing about who he is and what he lives for as any devotional.
Thanks for posting Gladiator! Paul, continued prayers for your comfort and peace.
Prayers sent to Paul and his family. I have never met Paul personally but have corresponded a bit back and forth about Lyme disease. It can be a very difficult disease that can impact people in many different ways. I have been dealing with chronic lyme since age 20, now 29. Can't thank Paul enough for all the help and insight he has brought. Wish him the best.
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