A Few Steps Ahead Of You
I use a b-mobile, ugliest decoy on the market, no modifications at all, and turkeys still run to him.
What?????? You can't kill a turkey without deke modifications.... C'mon man... everyone knows that!
I use a b-mobile, ugliest decoy on the market, no modifications at all, and turkeys still run to him.
All real feathers ALL cut and glued on 1 by 1. The strutter took about 5 hours from start to finish! The semi strutter was about 3 hours and the hens were around 2 - 2 1/2 hours.
Hey Bearcat, was it the flat paint that got the red uniform with the dark red & white, or was it from multiple coats? I started mine tonight, but didn't get flat paint. It's going to take multiple coats to even it out. Wondering if I should switch to a flat red.