it has been said, but ill say it again causei like to talk....
It really is a bird by bird basis, the right longbeard in the right mood will come in and beat the snot out of PB, i have had both positive and negative response with him. the good far outweights the bad as there is usually a dead bird in the decoys....
also when you set it up, make sure he is facing you, many birds will "sneakily approach if they dont think the PB can see them. at least curiousity will take over. if Jakes are alone, i highly doubt they will come in, but if they are with a bunch of thier buds i would think most likely they will come it.
I also attach some fishing line to PB to add some realism and movement. there are pluses and minuses to both aspects. I am a firm believer in PB and decoys in general, but this time of year i only use a single hen or a couple feeders. the down fall to that is there is no aggressive reason for a Tom to approach, if he has hens with him, he is unlikely to leave the hens he has for others.....
but i usually dont fully decide till the morning of, if there is LOTS and LOTS of gobbling, id put it out!
but thats just me!