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The Hunt Never Ends....
In May I moved about 2.5hrs from home to pursue a career that I have always wanted to be a part of. I left behind my entire familiy and many lifelong friends.

Now, I can't wait until my November vacation, but not for what it was originally planned for (bowhunting). This year, it's going to be about spending time with my familiy and friends who I have not seen for many months. It's funny how your priorities change once you've 'lost' everything. Not that I have actually 'lost' them, but I now no longer see them.

It's human nature to take things for granted when you have it each and every day. Moving away has made me realize what really matters most, and at the end of my vacation....even if I don't kill a buck, I'll still be happy because of the priceless time that I will be able to spend 'back home.' :drink1:
I hear yah man. My job took me about 3.5 hours from home and I love the job but hated being that far from family. Granted it is only 3.5 hours and isnt all that bad but its not like you can just jet home and see them. Once I had a kid, I definitely missed being closer to home as I want my grandparents and both of our parents to be a part of her life and it is much tougher hauling a baby that far.

I finally got the chance to transfer within my company last year and I am now smack dab in the middle of hers and my parents within an hour of each. It is the best move I ever made. Now we can go see them and vice versa any time we want.

This year will be great bowhunting as I will get to hunt with friends and family that I haven't bowhunted much with for the last 10 years. It is going to be a blast!!

Goodluck man, I know how you feel!!
I've been 2.5hrs (+) away from my family since leaving for college back in 1998. Trust me, with time, everything gets even more distant...so take advantage of your true NOV plans.:way:

I'd go back to see them more often, too, but with an SUV and these gas prices it's not financially possible.
Great post Sureshot :) I chose to live two hours away for the same reasons back in 2005 and it takes a great effort to stay in touch with family and friends, but nothing is more worth the effort. You will appreciate the time, deer you take and opportunities you have much more than in the past, and you will still have plenty of time :)
I agree with you wholeheartedly and everyone else. Back in 1997, I left Iowa for graduate school in El Paso, TX. It was the hardest thing to do. I can tell you everything happens for a reason, though. I met my beautiful wife in El Paso and we have 2 awesome kids now. Since we've lived in AZ, I've become very "western" and very much a mountains kind of guy, but I miss the friends and family I have back in Iowa pretty much every day and we don't get back very often at all. I have made 2 friends of the caliber I grew up with and now I only keep in touch with one of them. As much as I love the mountains out here and all the public land, I miss the private land I had access to in Iowa, I miss the great fishing, and I miss knowing I'll be hunting every year. Enjoy your vacation!
I hear you buddy. I live 9 hours away from all my family and everything that I know. I ended up moving to Iowa for a job right out of college, thinking that it would just be a short term thing, and here it is almost 7 years later, and I'm still here. I have a kid now, and that is really starting to wear on me having her away from all the family farms and family in gerneral.

I gotta feeling though, it won't be very long at all, and I'll be a resident of Missouri again.:way:
My wife and I moved out of state right out of college. After 2 years in Wisconsin and our first little girl on the way, we knew it was now or never. Although it was extremely hard to leave our new friends and a a job I enjoyed very much, not a day goes by that I not 100% convinced this was the right decision. I can not imagine raising our 2 little girls (and 1 on the way) with out family only an ear shot away.

We all feel for you. Enjoy your family...it's one of the few things in like that really has meaning.
hey sureshot, not trying to highjack this thread, but with me getting married this weekend and having a little boy on the way (due 12-1-11)...the responses Nanny and Adventure just posted, really hit close to home (no pun intended).

My future wife and I have been talking about moving back home (probably Solon area) after our boy arrives because that would put us between both our parents and right in the "wheel-house" of all our friends. Reading Nanny and Adventure's posts, makes me realize I'm not entirely stupid for considering leaving a very very good job at Iowa State University, for the betterment of my soon to be family. My wife to be and I certainly realize we're going to need family and friend to help us along the way.

Thanks for the encouragement fellas :way:
I'm in my last semseter at ISU and I got a full-time job offer at a company in Des Moines already, they said to just call them when I graduate. Knowing that bowhunting and whitetails in general is a huge part of what I love to do and is one of my main interests in life I feel very fortunate to have an offer from them because I didn't want to leave the state, not to mention its only about a half hour from where I grew up. That being said I plan to try and hunt very hard this fall knowing that next year I won't have as much time. Definitily going to miss just being able to skip class haha.
I have a kid now, and that is really starting to wear on me having her away from all the family farms and family in gerneral.

I gotta feeling though, it won't be very long at all, and I'll be a resident of Missouri again.:way:

I can certainly respect your reasons for wanting to return home to family Brian.

I do however hope you will continue to frequent the iowawhitetail website?

Good luck to you and your family if you decide to leave Iowa. :way:

I can certainly respect your reasons for wanting to return home to family Brian.

I do however hope you will continue to frequent the iowawhitetail website?

Good luck to you and your family if you decide to leave Iowa. :way:

X2 well said Blake.
makes me realize I'm not entirely stupid for considering leaving a very very good job at Iowa State University, for the betterment of my soon to be family. My wife to be and I certainly realize we're going to need family and friend to help us along the way.

Would you believe that I would leave a EXTREMELY good paying, secure job to move back home and be self employe ed? Well, thats the plan, and I sure hope it works out.

Family will mean more to you than any job that you have or choose.

Blake, I will be here forever, plus, don't be surprised if you get a phone call and I'm in the area ready for a visit.
Well said Sureshot! I have a little different outlook on this situation (maybe my priorities are F'd :grin:)

4 years ago I moved to Iowa leaving my family and friends 10 hours away. I will be completely honest and say that I moved here for the bowhunting. With that said though, I have a very close relationship with my family and talk to them daily. I also email and talk to my friends daily. I was home this last weekend and got to spend time with all of them. As good as it was to see them and catch up, Iowa is my home now and I love it here. My family visits often and I don't feel like I am missing out on anything. I have made my own life here and have gained so much that I feel I would have missed if I wouldn't have ventured out on my own. Faith, family. and friends are by far the most important things in life, but 10 minutes or 10 hours, distance has not effected my relationships at all and I will never allow it to. Do what makes you happy and in the end don't ever miss out on an opportunity because you are afraid of the unknown! Those who love you will always love you, and will always make the effort to see you. :way:
I hear ya!. I joined the Navy December 13th of this last year and havent hunted since. Im stationed in California right now. In november I leave for a 9 month deployment, and managed to get a little over 2 weeks from mid october until halloween off. I have been planning it out all year. Had my dad buy an early mussleoader tag the day they came out and got a bow tag also.
However, I think I will be devoting more time to the family and friends then I will to hunting. I never thought I would miss jumping in the truck with my little brother and heading out to the farm to go fishing or checking trail cams. Its wierd what being away will make a person realize.
I moved here not three months ago leaving everyone I know back in Pa. I've always wanted to move but could never decide where to. Trying to find some place of happiness, I guess. Something personal happened to me that made me decide I could no longer be where I was. I decided that I wanted to be in Iowa just to hunt here. It is tough being away from family but I want to see if there is something here for me. I would really like to believe that I will make a home here and find someone to have a family with and hopefully things will work out for the best for me. I just have to do what I feel is best for me and hopefully my family will support me no matter what. Looking forward to hunting season whether I fill a tag or not, that's the reason I am here. Wish everyone else the best of luck this season whether it's in Iowa or another state you hunt in.
You didn't have to start a thread because you missed me!!! That is nice of ya tho!! You know your always welcome to hunt or drink a beer with me any day of the weeks! Hope all is well up north!!!

I can only imagine the pain you are in!!! It would def kill me to lose something like what you have!!!
You didn't have to start a thread because you missed me!!! That is nice of ya tho!! You know your always welcome to hunt or drink a beer with me any day of the weeks! Hope all is well up north!!!

I can only imagine the pain you are in!!! It would def kill me to lose something like what you have!!!

I haven't lost it, just don't get to see it everyday like I used too. I'll be heading back home the weekend of the 23rd. I'll likely be in touch with KH if he's not working so we'll be sure to get ahold of you. Save some big deer for me for when I come home to hunt hard in November!

Hope all is well down there in Gods Country :way:
It is tough being away from family but I want to see if there is something here for me. I would really like to believe that I will make a home here and find someone to have a family with and hopefully things will work out for the best for me. I just have to do what I feel is best for me and hopefully my family will support me no matter what. Looking forward to hunting season whether I fill a tag or not, that's the reason I am here. Wish everyone else the best of luck this season whether it's in Iowa or another state you hunt in.

WoW!!! Talk about flashback 13 or 14 yrs ago in my life. I'm about 300 miles away from my family, my wife's is about 215 miles away and it's tough but things have worked out so well for myself that I know that hard decision those yrs ago was the best I could have ever made. I hope things work out for you as well and best of luck not only in your season but in finding your place of happiness.
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