Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company


In May I moved about 2.5hrs from home to pursue a career that I have always wanted to be a part of. I left behind my entire familiy and many lifelong friends.

Now, I can't wait until my November vacation, but not for what it was originally planned for (bowhunting). This year, it's going to be about spending time with my familiy and friends who I have not seen for many months. It's funny how your priorities change once you've 'lost' everything. Not that I have actually 'lost' them, but I now no longer see them.

It's human nature to take things for granted when you have it each and every day. Moving away has made me realize what really matters most, and at the end of my vacation....even if I don't kill a buck, I'll still be happy because of the priceless time that I will be able to spend 'back home.' :drink1:

Good for you!!! :way: :way: It will all come around!!!
SaskGuy said:
WoW!!! Talk about flashback 13 or 14 yrs ago in my life. I'm about 300 miles away from my family, my wife's is about 215 miles away and it's tough but things have worked out so well for myself that I know that hard decision those yrs ago was the best I could have ever made. I hope things work out for you as well and best of luck not only in your season but in finding your place of happiness.

Thanks. Hope you have a good season this year
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