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Proud New Owner of a Mathews Outback


PMA Member
Just got a new Mathews Outback I love it. Trophy taker shakey hunter rest, trophy ridge 3 pin sights. I'm ready to take it out and start flinging some arrows.
Nice bow Look me up sometime and we'll go out and try turkeys this spring !
Congratulations on your new Outback. I'm really starting to enjoy mine. I get a few shots in every day. I even shot yesterday despite the High Wind Advisory and still managed to hit some X's. That says alot for the bow. They are really smooth shooters.
Picked my new Outback up last night. I absolutely love the thing! Can't wait to shoot some critters
Shot my Outback for a while again today and it was one of those days you dream about. I consistently put 3 shot groups out to 35 yards in a quarter size spot and that is unbelievable for me. The more I shoot it the more I love it!

Now it looks like I'm going to have to refletch some arrows but it's a good problem to have.
set up an outback at the shop the other day just for kicks. It has a smooth draw, and you could seemingly hold it for days with the 80%, and i do like their new camo, from the side of the riser that is. But down the front of the riser they stretched the camo which i really dont like. I know they started dipping their bows themselves this year so that may explain it, or it may be intentional? but the release seemed a little erratic and I never have been a fan of short ATA bows. Nice bow;yes, Comparable to a Hoyt;never.
(If you happen to be Randy Walk, please disregard the above post, with the exclusion of the very last sentence.)
Mathews Outback for Sale! Dirt cheap - a little wear on the cam but otherwise flawless. Call if interested!!

Mine looks to be in good shape. Thanks for the link Rudd, I'll keep an eye on it.

Renegade, as for the erraticness (is that a real word), I think it's the guy doing the shooting.
Main Entry: [1]er·rat·ic
Pronunciation: i-'ra-tik
Function: adjective
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French or Latin; Middle French erratique, from Latin erraticus, from erratus, past participle of errare
Date: 14th century
1 a : having no fixed course : WANDERING <an erratic comet> b : archaic : NOMADIC
2 : transported from an original resting place especially by a glacier <an erratic boulder>
3 a : characterized by lack of consistency, regularity, or uniformity b : deviating from what is ordinary or standard : ECCENTRIC <an erratic genius>
- er·rat·i·cal /-ti-k&l/ adjective
- er·rat·i·cal·ly /-ti-k(&-)lE/ adverb
- er·rat·i·cism /-'a-t&-"si-z&m/ noun
Rack,yes erratic is a word, but erraticness is not.
Don't know about the outback but my LX is really starting to PI$$ me off!! The serving on the cable keeps coming unserved. This same thing happened to my friends Legacy. It's time to switch to a Hoyt. I'm really unimpressed with Mathews. If I do buy a new hoyt I'll have to change my screen name. If it's not one thing it's another
LX, there are several different products that you can use prior to serving. Brownell Liquid Lok & Cam EZ work extremely well. This is a liquid (consistency of rubber cement-also used in the past) I think the serving separates due to the aggressive solo cam shapes used in todays bows. This should clear up those issues you are having. Good Luck.
Just to let you know, I've shot Hoyt for years and the same thing will happen to those bows as well. Hoyt has always put crap strings and cables on their bows. I've always had to replace my Hoyt strings because of the same problem you are talking about. Do what you want, but I wouldn't switch bows just because of the string serving.
Seems you may want to replace the strings and cables rather than the whole bow. That would be cheaper and way less reactionary. Strings are the weak point of the bow...like tires are for the auto industry. Don't throw the bow away until you try some simple fixes. Also, if you want an even cheaper fix, you can have a serving put on for less than $20 at most pro shops.

Or, you can change brands and become another Hoyt follower and make Muddy happy.
I'll give ya a couple of bucks for it. I need a new anchor for my pond fishing boat.
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