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public hunting in northeast iowa


I was wondering how hard the public land gets hunted in northeast iowa? Is there alot of mungs in that area? I hunted minnesota last year and they were on every piece of public ground i scouted. They have the same right to be there that i do, but it makes me feel a little nervous sitting in a tree when they are shooting squirrels that are in the trees.
I ran into a few this fall in November. Luckfully they weren't all over. As far as getting hunted overall, it is all area specific. Some areas get hunted hard. Others don't.
Sligh, I'm assuming they are talkin about ASIANS also know as many other things just watch GRAND TORNINO
KS too

saw it on KS public land too
vans full sweeping woods slinging .223 instead of .22 at squirrles
don't want to be in a tree when that happens
In the 2008 shotgun season our group was hunting the Loess Hills Little Sioux Unit and kept hearing rifle shots. Finally we ran into one little Vietnamese guy with a .223! Opening day Deer season! I thought, what a fool him and his 2 buddies are out roaming the hills with rifles on opening deer day looking for squirrels. When we were done hunting the area we came across their pickup parked in a driveway to the Unit. The back of the truck was full of chickens, live chickens! Must have been making a chicken/tree rat soup later on!
Ya ever see how they prepare their squirrels? On a stick, over a fire, with the hair on. I call it....... "squirrel on the cob". Great when they cook a few dozen that way and their camp fire is blowing your direction.
My brother camps at Yellow River over Labor Day and has seen them roll into camp by the hundreds, flat bed trailers to haul them around the park with their rifles.
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It is amazing to me that the DNR let's this happen. I have sent numerous emails to the DNR suggesting that squirrel seasons be offset from deer (specifically bow) seasons in an effort to minimize the chances of an inadvertant shooting by squirrel hunters but the suggestion has fallen on deaf ears.

We battle these issues constantly in our public tracts in my area also. Deer season on our public tracts opens Sept. 1 (squirrel season opener) :mad:.
I know the license revenues from these hunters cannot be much cause most probably do not buy them. Don't understand why the DNR would not be open to moving those seasons until later in the winter months after deer seasons are closed. Thank heavens it gets a little better once the temps drop off some.
Brent you have to realize there is only one Conservation officer for Hamilton county and he is Brand new as of a couple weeks ago. Last hunting season we didn't even have one because our had retired so in return we had local county CO looking after our county. As for the hunting season change there is no way that could happen it's kind of like Late doe, i Personally hate it and wish they would do away with it but there is just no way they can make such a huge change in a hunting season. I am definitely in the same boat as you because i have first hang witnessed them poach deer right by me and had no clue i was there, I've also had them stock my decoy on PRIVATE land which was close to public. It is definitely a problem in our area and I wish there was some way they could fix it but there is just no way.
well i dont have alot to say about them, i work in the county that the hmong guy shot the deer hunters in 05. and im a deputy so i know firsthand what they can do if you encounter them. i saw one down there when i hunted in 07 and he was camo from head to toe even face sitting with his rifle, kinda weirded me out big time...but now he's sitting in an Iowa prison cuz the wisconsin ones coudnt take him due to threats....i wish they would make it later too.
and if you want to see something even wierder go to youtube and type in chai vang and look at all the comments. only if you want to get really sick though.....

That was not a critical comment towards our local CO but more of a complaint to the people in DSM that I directly my emails to. From what I have heard, we have a very good young CO in our area now. He may actually help the situation from the comments I have heard.

I know it sucks, but if you are running into a lot of them you might want to head a little farther South to hunt. The only time I ever ran into them in masses is up in your area. Father South, I never have.

I did run into a bunch in the Decorah area last year. Kind of crazy. I also think it is a good idea to where blaze orange to and from your tree regardless of what season it is. You can always take it off and have it on hand when people start approaching. I feel much better waving a blaze orange vest at someone versus my camoflauge arm.
Yep it is very very hard to get anything from them guys down there because they do deal with so many different issues per day, I completely understand though were you're coming from like i said been there done that with them Vietnamese around our area. Kind of makes a guy sick to know that, that illusive giant we chance could get shot by someone " squirrel hunting" I personally wish they'd just do away with squirrel hunting in general. But moving it later on after deer season makes sence then we wouldnt have to worry about our "SHEDS" getting chewed on :grin::grin::grin:
Most of the Hmong folks you see in NE Iowa come from the Minneapolis/St Paul area or LaCross, WI area. The two largest communities in the midwest.

So, probably why you don't see them hunting much further South.
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