... When he gets to about a hundred yards I can finally tell that he isn't wearing anything but tennis shoes...
Well that visual did remind me of a "public moment" from days gone by...
Years ago, one of my friends and I would do 2-4 float trips each year down a section of the Wapsi River near Waubeek. We would stop and fish our way downstream to our take out spot and we had many memorable and enjoyable trips and we usually managed to have an adventure or two along the way too.
One warm summer day we rounded a sharp bend in the river and right away we noticed that there was a man standing on a sandbar right next to the river. That wasn't so unusual, except that this guy was buck naked!

He was facing downstream and did not see us slowly drifting up to him and we now were probably within 30 yards of him or so and closing.
Being the mature grownups that we were, we immediately began to snicker, snort and guffaw, which alerted him to our presence...he spun around like a top and saw us and then ran across the sand bar at top speed to where his clothes were on the bank and quickly pulled on his shorts, etc, and then ran back out on the sandbar very close to where we were now passing him by. At this point we became a little nervous since a previously naked man was running towards in a very remote area, etc.
But he stopped at the rivers edge and tried to explain to us that his doctor had advised him to get a lot of sunlight, etc, etc. Yeah, yeah, sure thing buddy...