Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company



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Have had tons of good bucks on camera with many during daylight hours. Only swap the memory cards every 2 weeks. Checked them today and only one good buck with lots of does. The big boys didn't show so now obviously I'm puzzled and worried. What ya guys think? Any one else had similiar experiences?
Was it over a mineral lick? If so, try moving it to a trail. it seems the buck activity slows on them at the end of summer, about the time the velvet is peeling.
The bachelor groups are also breaking up and the bucks are spreading out.
I noticed that in the last week the bucks weren't hitting the trophy rocks very much. I have a camera overlooking a brassica plot and they were all over in the plots still. What are your cameras overlooking? Hopefully they just quit coming to your trophy rocks too.
It happens every year. The bucks start losing their velvet and start heading to wherever they are going to go. Lots of the bucks you had on cam will be gone, new bucks should start popping up. Once the rut hits its a free for all.
Huh, my bucks did the same thing I'm kind of sad about the deal...

EDIT: I have nothing down besides in one spot and they're still going to it.
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Yep over a mineral lick. Figured they would do this just makes a guys mind start doing circles when you had em on camera plenty and now just does
Yep over a mineral lick. Figured they would do this just makes a guys mind start doing circles when you had em on camera plenty and now just does

You are not alone by any stretch. Despite what some marketing literature would have you believe, for many years now I can say that we see about a 50% drop in mineral site visits starting about now each year and over the next month that will drop to the point that a mineral site will be almost entirely inactive until next March or so.

We moved one cam to a new food plot and sweetened the pot with some corn and apples AND a fake tree! Our best results for getting pics in September has been food sources, trails and the "fake" rub trees that 6x6 popularized here.
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