I have had the cheaper "hunter" model and had no problems. I have also set up HDs on some friends bows. I was going to get the HDX but my tech talked me into the code red. No problems with the code red but I do miss the letdown feature of the QAD. They work as advertised just need to be set up right.
Have one on my Element RKT and I have no problems shooting groups at 60. I have the HD model. Works great. I don't think you can go wrong with any of the drop away rests on the market today.
Ive had an HD on my bow for the last 3-4 years and have never had a single issue. I will say that I have had much better luck with fletching clearance when I set it a little tighter than what they suggest. I like to have mine come to the full upright stopped position with about 2" left in my draw cycle.
Thanks for the comments. I upgraded my Vtec to a CRX32 and a few of the reviews on the Ultra Rest I found, guys were having clearance problems on faster bows which showed up when shooting past 30 yards. Not sure if "faster" describes the CRX but this weekend I will get it set-up and see what happens. Should be faster than my old Vtec anyway.
we set them up sp that they deploy on the last inch of draw.[first inch of string movement when shot]that even got the rest out of the way on a bowtech destroyer that was shooting over 350 fps!it's the only rest we've found that could do that.sold dozens with no failures.
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