Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

Qdm, does and good eats!


Good observation! See my comments to SEMN.

Good hunting!
Old Buck
Great job!!And great picture.What a way to spend an afternoon.
I'm going out to try and take a doe this afternoon,they should be moving with the storm coming in.
Larry that has got to be one of the best pictures I've seen in a while, way to go. We had elk backstraps, and doe tenderloin for dinner last night and round steaks from a doe for dinner tonight...along with a few deer dogs thrown in for good measure, shoot em up fellas

I'm not sure I would help much. The next two times out I scored a big goose egg! Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.

The fun part is just being out there with bow in hand enjoying all that nature has to offer.

I'm going to try some hunting in a storm the next few days. Should be interesting. The first challenge will be to stay out of the ditches on the way down!

Old Buck
Nice job Larry. Looks like 4 less nose-busters on your land. I took my niece (11 yrs) with me in early Oct and harvested a doe with her along. She loves hunting and had a great experience.

Way to go Old Buck! You showed everyone that us old guys can still get it done and do it the right way. Thanks for the pics. and the story.
This may be an odd question but, I'm kinda interested in the field dressing and tricks you've picked up. I like to think I'm pretty efficient but maybe there's a better way??? I figured as many deer as you've harvested
you'd seen all the tricks.

That's awesome Larry, and a great photo too. I seem to have the opposite problem where I hunt - I see at least two bucks for every doe. (I know, what a terrible problem to have! But it does make doe hunting tough sometimes.)

Yep, I thought the same thing. Then onecam showed an 'old buck' some new tricks. Correct me if I'm wrong, onecam. This is my version of his technique.

First get a knife with a gut hook. I got a folding version at Walmart for about $30. I also carry a supply of latex gloves. If there is a slope I put the head up hill. If you have helpers have one hold each front leg. Then make a stab in the chest area somewhat off center.

Next turn the knife over and starting at the stab opening run the gut hook back until you get between the hind legs. The first cut will take the skin. The next pass gets some of the muscle. After a couple passes the deer is open.

Onecam removes the mammary glands before that part. I just cut through the area and wash it out later. Next cut through the muscle between the hind legs so they open easily. Go back to the chest and cut forward through the ribs on the side of the initial stab. Cut through all the ribs clear up to the neck area. This takes a little muscle and a sharp, strong knife is helpful.

Then I pull the chest open snapping the ribs on one side. This gives easy access to the esophagus and trachea for severing. Cut a bit where the heart is attached to the chest wall. With the chest open cutting the diaphragm is much easier. Pull all internal organs back cutting as necessary. 'Milk' the contents of the lower digestive tract forward so that when you sever the colon the contents don't get in the abdomen. The doe is now field dressed. I put a foot on one back leg, reach over, grab the other rear leg and pull in an arc. The whole deer flips over so blood can drain out and critters are denied access while you get a recovery vehicle.

If it is the last one I'm field dressing at that time I wipe the latex gloves off with leaves, grass or snow then, while holding the bloody, folded knife, invert the first glove over it. Then I put the knife and glove in the other hand and invert the second glove. Now the bloody knife is inside both inverted gloves and doesn't get my pack or pocket messy. I wash the knife off later and properly dispose of the latex gloves.

If I have to drag the deer I use a nylon strap left over from my rock climbing days. It is about ten foot length tied in a circle. Put a doubled end of the circle under the doe's neck then run the long end over the neck and through the opening. You can then put a back twist in the loop to catch the doe's nose so it follows you as you pull and doesn't catch on stuff. The looped strap is long enough that two people can pull at the same time without triping each other.

I bring them back, hose out the body cavity, clean up any bloody areas and flip back over as before to store in a shady area until pickup. Hanging would be even better for faster cooling.

You of course do not want to do it exactly this way for anything you will have done as a shoulder mount or you will have an angry taxidermist and big sewing bill.

Onecam says if you get blood past your knuckles you aren't doing it right. It is a lot more fun than the old days with blood and fat up to my elbows!

It takes much less time to do than it did for me to describe doing it.

Hope that helps. If it does thank onecam!

Old Buck

The main reason I'm harvesting so many does is because I want to have your 'problem'!

Hope to see you again at the deer classic!

Old Buck
I know this might not sit right with some folks, but anybody ever video tape gutting? I've gotten pretty good at my method but I can always learn and I'd have to see your method to understand it. The tape could be fuel for nonhunters/antihunters, but like I said, it would be a learning tool.

EDIT: BTW I'm almost at the point I'd rather shoot 4 does in a single afternoon than a good buck. I think its harder to fool 4 does than one buck.

The 'Bonker
I had another good night tonight. Three does and a big old gobbler via three arrows. Don't know if I'll get a good photo because they will be pretty stiff by tomorrow morning!

I haven't seen a good buck since October so I'm working on the local overpopulation of does. Yes. I did pull the tenderloins again!

Old Buck
That's it, I'm comin over to break all your arrows in half !
You are the man.
Onecam is on the ball. He questioned my getting 4 animals with three arrows. I tried to tell him I killed the gobbler with a well thrown rock but he wouldn't buy it so I had to confess my math wasn't very good.

Old Buck

You can save yourself the trip. I'm about out of arrows. If it is a pass through they are lost for now under the fluffy snow. If not the doe always seems to drop dead on the side with the arrow sticking out! Even carbons won't take that.

Three more doe days!
Old Buck
Great job!!!Where did you cap out at? Did you hit 50? What ever the number great job.
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