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Question about picture


New Member
Saturday Vic and I were driving around and we saw something small crossing the road ahead.

I knew the deer was pretty small but when I got the picture up on the screen, it made me think, what the heck !!

I just wish it was allot lighter out to make for a better picture.

the head and shoulders have the winter coat and the side still has the summer coat and spots. interesting !!!

Was it just a late fawn from last fall?

Very neat pic...good eye to notice that from a distance

Be interesting to know what the deal is with that deer...late fawn or...???

Looks "different" then a normal fawn.

Can they crossbreed with fallow deer?

I definitely wouldn't rule out a crossbreed. I saw a fallow deer that had apparently escaped from a farm over 8 miles away a couple years ago. It looked like it had been surviving fine outside the farm. Anyway, that is a picture to raise some questions about. Nice catch.
if she was a late fawn she is dang lucky to have made it through the winter!!
I call foul as well, the tail in that pic looks a pin the tail on the donkey game. I think JLC is funning with us
That doe must have gotten friendly with Eeyore, the fawn has a strange coat and a pin on tail. Better call Disney.
Sure wish it was allot lighter when I took this picture so it would have been as sharp as my others. I hope to maybe catch this fawn closer to the road so I don't have to crop as much.

it's just the grass buds, his tail is domanant because the grass stems (blurred out of focus) make his body appear lighter.
I had a spotted one all winter in the yard eating oats.If they could make it through our winter, they could make it through yours I'd think. Cool pic.
Cool Pic. Jugdging by mom's belly she's from last year. One thing is for sure, she's just as ugly as mom and probably tastier!
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