Question about the Trophy Taker rest


New Member
I use the Trophy Taker drop-away rest, and I love it. What an improvement over the old fork rest I used to use a couple years ago.

However, even though I have moleskin on the shelf, it still makes a noticeable clicking sound against the arrow shelf with each shot. What is the best thing to use to quiet this noise ? It worked for awhile, but quickly got packed down where the rest hits it after the shot. Thanks for your help.
I read in a mag that you can get the SIMS insulator wrap and just put a piece of it on the shelf and it will silence it.I have not tried it yet but it sound's like it will work,if ya try it and it work's let us know cause I think there are alot of us shooting the same rest with the same problem.
Camoman - go to CIA, they have some felt pads that work pretty good. Brady can help you out with it.
Good Luck
I have the "shaky hunter" on my hunting bow, and b/c of the TEC riser your not able to get the trophy taker far back enough to get complete clearance from the shelf. I went ahead and filed of the tips of the launcher just far enough that they wont make contact...

The launcher still holds the arrow shaft exceptionally well. I have noticed that a good majority of the noise comes from the tab that your string is connected to - when that tab hits the wall on the release, it makes a slight 'tinking'noise.

I prefer the older felt pads opposed to the newer plastic arrow holders... even if the plastic is covered with moleskin - two hard surfaces(arrow holder/arrow shaft) are going to make some noise.
i can solve your problem with 3 simple words

M U Z Z Y. Z E R O. E F F E C T.

Here we go again....

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Sickem Super...
I know that I have suggested this product before but I love it. It is called "the tong thong". You can buy them at Cabella's and they now come compatable with the "shakey hunter" launcher. It is a leather sleeve that does not wear down and eleminates noise. If this were a product review I would give this item a 10!!
Well, I went to Central Iowa Archery, where I got the rest. It was a potentially expensive visit. While I was there, I test fired a Hoyt Razortec bow, and just loved it (Please no more Hoyt/Mathtews flame wars). Brady was great to work with, and answered all my questions. After I get a 1950's Gibson acoustic guitar sold on ebay in a couple weeks, I'm heading back in to trade bows. My High Country Brute Force has been a great bow, and it is much, much nicer than any bow I've owned before. However, I think I'm going to be REAL happy with the Razortec. I don't spend a lot of time comparing bows, but when I find one I like, it is mine. Bowman, I will check out that product the next time I stop up at Cabela's.
good deal camoman. welcome to the hoyt family.

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CamoMan, i'm just glad you found a bow that you like. after talking with you a few different times on bow buying decisions i was hoping that you'd find what you were looking for, be it Mathew, Martin, PSE, Hoyt, Browning, etc etc etc...