Question about the Whisker Biscuit


Life Member
I'm trying to find a very quiet arrow rest and I am wondering if this one is it. You guys that have one or have had one, give me your opinion on them. Are they silent or not, easy to tune or not. What are the pros and cons with them.
Rack I shot one for nearly a year and loved the thing. That is until I put a drop away on my bow. The whisker bisquit is a great hunting rest that allows you to move your bow around and not have your arrow fall off the rest. It did however slow my arrow speed down and I have heard that if the "whiskers" get wet and then freeze it is hard to get a good shot off. Quietness in my opinion was the same as any other rest. I guess after all this rambling I really haven't given any good advise for either the pro's or con's.
it only slows the speed by 3-5 fps. not a huge deal at all there.

got one i'll sell ya, pm me
I should preface this by saying the biscut is all I have ever used, I don't have any experience with any other rest. When I used my recurve, the arrow was forever falling off the shelf and frustrating the heck outa me. When I "moved up" to the compound bow I didn't want this problem. I'll trade 3-5fps and what little noise it makes for the comfort in knowing the arrow will be ready each and every time.

There was a question awhile back about fletching and how much curve/offset is optimal. You have to remember the more curve in the fletching the more area of the biscut the fletching is going to come in contact with which may create more noise and drag.

Again, I don't have experience with any other rest, but I think the biscut was pretty hard on the feathers. I used vanes last year and they withstood the biscut better.


The 'Bonker
I used one for about a year or so awhile back, and thought it was a great rest. I swithched to a drop-away when I started shooting 3-D shoots. As far as tuning goes, you would think that any rest that comes in contact with all three of your vanes would be hard to tune, but in reality, it didn't tune much different than my drop-away. As far as quietness goes, I think my Trophy-Taker is actually a little quieter, as long as you have the V-arm covered with felt. Since the bristles on the Whisker-Bisquit rub against the arrow at a 90 angle, you'll have some noise all the way from let-down up to full draw, and aluminum arrows seem to be a little noisier than carbons. Hope this helps a little.
the wisker buiscut was a good rest for me, but i shoot quite often and was getting tired of refleching arrows. the buiscut is hard on vanes. i have an outback like you and i put a trophy ridge drop-zone on it. this is a wonderful rest and a great match for the outback. the tray that holds the arrow does a good job, you almost have to be trying to knock your arrow off in order for it to fall off. hope this helps. good luck
I just put a whisker biscuit on my bow a couple of weeks ago and love it. I will be stalking antelope and did not want to have to fight holding my arrow on. It is also more accurate than I thought that it would be. Overall I really like the rest, and it was really easy for me to tune on my bow.