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Question for homebrew


allright I have another question here. I have a homebrew sony p 41 w/ bg2.
Whenever i turn on my camera and let it sit for it's walk test for awile i then try to trigger it and it takes forever to take a pic. After it powers on it takes fast pics until it sits for awhile again and then it's back to a slow trigger time again for that first pic. The batteries are fresh and I think i have all the settings right.

Is this normal or do i have to do a little trouble shooting.
I had a hard time understanding exactly what you are saying, but I will post what I do know. You kept saying when you turn the camera on, You mean the board right? Because you only turn on the board and have the camera shut off with the display shut off as well. I am sure that is what you meant. Secondly when doing the walk test, I always turn the board on, Wait 30 seconds then walk in front of the camera, the red light comes on. Then I wait another 30 seconds and walk in front of it again. You can do this as long as you want, but you have to remember From the last time the red light comes on, you have to wait 3 or 5 minutes before the camera will actually start to take pics. I can't remember the exact time, but I wait at least 5 minutes just to be safe. I know I have sworn my camera wasn't working a million times, but once I finally learned I was just being impatient not waiting the full amount of time. Hopefully this helps, but I imagine you already knew this information, but maybe someone else didnt.
I always turn on the camera, turn off the LCD, put the camera in the case, turn on the board, shut the case and walk away.

I do realize the board runs the camera, but I'm in the habit of turning on the camera then flipping the board on.

Works for me?
I'm in the habit of turning on the camera then flipping the board on.

[/ QUOTE ]

Took me a bit to remember to turn the camera off but it shuts down after a bit anyway right?

I know the "3 minute" walk delay thru me at first also...even though I was aware of it

the BG2 doesn't have to "wake up" first like the Moultries (at least as I understand it) so I'm not sure what else would cause the first pic to be slower then the rest?
Liv, sorry for being confusing. But that's what I was trying to get at was i do wait 3-5 minutes w/out triggering the camera. Once the wait is over i then go to trigger it and it takes like a minute to take a pic.

After it takes a pic once then it goes off every 10 sec. like i set it.

It's just after it sits (while the board is turned on) for awile it then takes along time to take a pic (30 sec -1 minute). I'll stand in front of it doing jumping jacks and after I get tired it takes a pic.

Hopefully you understand what i am getting at now.
doing jumping jacks and after I get tired it takes a pic.

[/ QUOTE ]

that's sounds funny...but if a big ole buck strolled by and it doesn't take a pic...then it wouldn't be all that funny

I'm interested to know what's causing the delay ?
I found this on Hags...
When the board is triggered it turns the camera on immediately but the camera doesn't take a pic for about 15 seconds.

[/ QUOTE ] the wires are reversed coming from the camera. Switch them

[/ QUOTE ]


Just lookin for possibles..
I think I'll edit my post after seeing Paul's post above. Good find. I'd just add that if the fix already mentioned doesn't do the trick, you might want to contact Hags ASAP since he recently posted an announcement on his site that he's going out of the board making business at least temporarily and possibly for good. Last I knew, a limited supply of BG2's were still available.
I get what your saying TT and that does not sound right for sure. I'd post that question on Hags or possibly email him directly. There are a lot of helpful guys over there that are guru's on this stuff. They would probably know exactly what that problem means and what to do with it.
dbltree my wires are wired just like that so iam kind of lost on what to do next. Everything else seems to work fine.

Iowabowtech I also did take advantage of your info on hags and got 2 more boards just in case. So thanks for the info.

I hope I don't have to send my board back like shredder said.

Dang it I want to get this thing in the woods. It was going to be by tommorow or thurs. if this hadn't happened.
I hope I don't have to send my board back like shredder said.

[/ QUOTE ]

I hate to say it...but I think you may have a little "delay of the game"

Hopefully it won't take to long or you'll get the new boards soon.
I'm glad I saw the msg by IB about BG2's not being available in the future. Will stick with the SSS as i've been very happy with that board.
are you in p41 fast mode? If so try it in regular 24hour mode. Also, im sure you have checked this, but make sure the cameras settings are correct. If your in p41 fast mode and forced flash you could very easily miss the first one.
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