Question??. Lots of bucks, no size


New Member

This year is turning out to be about the same as my previous few years, so I'm looking for some advice to break my pattern because I'm obviously doing something wrong. The rut is on and I've seen at least 8 different bucks in the last 2 weeks, but no size. 1 buck might be a 3 year old but he is missing half his rack. Earlier in the season I've seen 2 nice shooter bucks but since the rut started they have disappeard along with most the does. As far as I know, I have not been detected by any of them. Also all the activity I am seeing is between 10:00 AM and 3:00 PM, all the dawn and dusk movement is dead in my area.

My main question is, would you guess the does changed feeding areas so I should try different food sources? Or do the dominent bucks usually round up the gals and control where they are at. (if so any suggestions on what type of area to look for them?)
My other question is: This is the first year I remember that dawn and dusk activity is completely dead. Does anyone have any ideas why I am only seeing deer mid-day? I know I am next to a very good bedding area, and even though this is public land I've seen very few other bow hunters all year. I am starting to wonder if someone is running coon dogs at night or something.

I would look at the different feeding areas....does are around but the bucks have a few select girls tied up for the day or two then off to find a new one. Tough time of the year to hunt in my opinion just for that reason. You have to put in the time now cause at any given minute, the shooter may be cruising for a new girlfriend. In a week, the girls get fewer and fewer in heat and the big boys have to search more to find the receptive ones leaving them out in the open and more visible. Keep your head and moral high as things should start to look up.
Thanks for the input shredder, I was letting myself get a little discouraged and I shouldn't have. Historically, I've had some of my best days on stand on the mornings it was hardest to drag myself out of bed. I'm going to keep spending all the time I can out there and try to use a couple more vacation days to checkout some nearby locations.
If you aren't seeing any does around dawn/dusk, they must be feeding somewhere else and exiting the bedding area from a different location from where you are setup. Or...

We had hunted an area for a few days with very limited buck sightings...came to find out that everyone and their dog had been hunting the ground at one time or other... Blake later discovered that all of the deer had holed up in some CRP and brushy draws, not 70 yds north of the section we had been hunting, no doubt due excessive hunting pressure

think we saw at least 6 stands in the area that weren't ours
I've had the same trouble on the farms I hunt. I think that my major problem is that there is still about 1000 arces of standing corn around the area. The big boys are just pushing the does into the corn and staying there. I've seen tons of 3 yrs old and younger bucks. Keep hunting. The more a persons in the treestand the better their odds are of having that trophy walk by...
Great discussion and topic. I've had the exact same thing in my area IaCraig. I was also getting a little discouraged. Maybe if we can get some Northwest winds that will help my stand locations out.
I assume you are watching your wind directions while hunting???

If not, it could likely be your problem.

In other words, you do not want your scent blowing towards the area you expect deer to be coming from.

Also, if you are hunting mornings, I assume you are not crossing any feeding areas in the dark on your way to your chosen stand??

If so, this could also be your problem.

Is there much hunting pressure around??

If so, this could be a reason for minimal large deer roaming the forest.

If none of these apply, I would suggest you find a new spot for next year.

Good Luck
Yes I am very careful with the wind direction, using different trees & entry routes depending upon the wind. Also I make a wide circle to avoid all feeding & most potential bedding areas. Even though this is public land, I feel the hunting pressure is light because it is a long hike in through rough terrain. However due to the lack of dawn & dusk activity I am starting to wonder if in the last couple weeks someone started coming in from the West side of the section and has spooked the deer out of the bedding area they usually come from.

I hunt a large area and there are a couple good trails to different feeding areas about ¼ mile away that I have never setup on before and I know no one else is there either. So I will give those a try the next couple weeks. Also I plan to go out mid-day Friday and scout around while still hunting to find fresh signs. I am committed to hunt till the last day and resist taking a smaller buck.. I already regret taking a smaller buck the 2nd Saturday of muzzle loader season this year., because the last day I went back to get a doe and a nice 12 point came by. doh!

It is just a weird year. Early on I saw very few bucks, but 2 were dandies. Now the rut is on bucks are everywhere but they are all smaller.

I’ll be out getting wet this Friday!