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Questions about Food Plot


Yesterday I sprayed glyphosate 41% over 4.5 acres. If I sprayed yesterday at 11am and finished by 1 p.m. and didn't get rain until the overnight hours will I be fine or will I need to spray again? Also, how much glyphosate 41% do you guys normally put into a 25 gallon sprayer full of water? For those of you who have planted soybeans have you guys had good luck with broadcasting and then dragging in with a harrow? Anybody have any tips or advice? This is my first time planting beans. Thanks
You will be fine as far as timing goes. I believe you need only 60 minutes of dry before a rain when applying gly. You also can use a harrow after broadcasting your beans. You my not get 100% of germination but for a food plot it will definitely work. If you end up with some bare spots you can always broadcast turnips/radishes come August! GL
100% fine on timing of rain. Gly is 2 quarts per acre, but I tend to go a little heavier. You should be running about 15 gallon of water per acre. You can 100% broadcast beans with great results. Go a heavier on your seed rate. minimum 200,000/a if broadcasting.
I don't think i put enough glyphosate in. A buddy gave me the jug so I didn't have direction labels. I searched on the internet, but it seemed like the rate was all over the place. What I did was I filled the sprayer with about 25 gallons of water and then dumped in about 35 ounces of glyphosate. I went over 4 acres going north and south and then also east and west to make sure I covered all of the area. All 4 acres was hit one time if not twice with spray. I ended up filling the sprayer 3 times so in total I used 75 gallons of water (25 Gallon sprayer X 3 Fills) 105 ounces of glyphosate (35 ounces glyphoasate X 3 Fills) ? Will that get a good kill?
What are you killing? Grass will be dead as a hammer . If you have water hemp the whole jug wouldn't kill it.
youll know more in about a week...with the weather forecast you wont be planting any time before that...worst case scenario if the kill wasnt the best and you have RR beans, just spray again after planting or even day of planting
4 acres should be 8 quarts of gly which is 2 gal which is 256 oz. It should still kill the grass, weeds... maybe not.
What kind and how much fertilizer should I put down on 4 acres of soybeans? Should I do this before tiling or wait until they have germinated and are growing?
You don't need any fert for soybeans but depending on how poor the ground is wouldn't hurt to put a little. What you need for beans is P&K. If u can get to it easily enough rent a spreading cart from ur co-op and get a 40-60-60 for 4 acres. Maybe get little extra in case your not perfect. If you can't get to it with cart do the best you can with ATV or manual spreader. First yr you might be fine with what the found has in it but eventually you have to add. Always a good idea just to put something down if you can.

Just my 2 cents
A clever technique to boost growth is to create a compost trench. Dig out a trench about a foot (30cm) deep where your beans are to grow. Fill it up with kitchen scraps and spent crops, top with leaves then cap it off with soil. By spring the ground will be beautifully rich and moisture-retentive, and your beans will thrive in it.
What kind and how much fertilizer should I put down on 4 acres of soybeans? Should I do this before tiling or wait until they have germinated and are growing?
P&k. I sound.like a broken record on this forum, but take a soil test. No guessing.
I was talking to guy that runs a sprayer and its about 4 oz per gallon of water. We bumped it up to 5 oz to be on the safe side. We did 4 acres and I can report back this weekend with what it looks like.
I was talking to guy that runs a sprayer and its about 4 oz per gallon of water. We bumped it up to 5 oz to be on the safe side. We did 4 acres and I can report back this weekend with what it looks like.
It all depends on your application volume of total liquid. At the end of the days its chemical application volume per acre. Mix ratios are an incomplete equation.
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