Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company

quick license purchase question


New Member
story is that my wife is due the 10th (i hunt 2nd season...great timing, huh??).

Am I correct that I have until the last day of the season to purchase a deer license? i am an iowa resident (if that matters).

thanks in advance...
Hey Big ol Buck that is awesome hope your wife is feeling well. Good luck to you and your entire family.

wife is definitely ready...way uncomfortable and having trouble sleeping. plus, the sooner he/she comes out, the better chance i'll have to get out and do some hunting...

'Little-Ol-Buck' was born on 12-8-04, weighing in at 7 lbs, 5 oz, and 19.75 in long. I am one proud Papa, and am looking forward to sharing the outdoors with him in a few years.

Although I missed the opening weekend of 2nd season, it sounds like Momma's going to let me out this coming weekend!! woo hoo!!

and to top it off, MY dad (Grandpa) shot his first deer in probably 10 years...nothing big, a half-racked managment buck, but he was pretty excited nonetheless...

Congrats on the new little hunter Big ol Buck!

Now it time to get out there this weekend!
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