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Quinclorac for switchgrass,sorghum screen and miscanthus


Active Member
Does anyone know if I can spray quinclorac on switchgrass,miscanthus and sorghum screen safely to control weeds? I'm having issues with some broadleafs and foxtail and need to spray to control it.
What if you overspray with quinclorac, will it kill miscathus or switch?

I have crappy sprayer that's not super accurate.
I posted on another forum topic that I have recently drilled RC Big Rock, not sure if it is up or not because it is buried in annual grass and some broadleaf. Is it safe to spray Quinclorac right now or would it damage young switch if it has emerged?
I posted on another forum topic that I have recently drilled RC Big Rock, not sure if it is up or not because it is buried in annual grass and some broadleaf. Is it safe to spray Quinclorac right now or would it damage young switch if it has emerged?
It will smoke baby switchgrass. Wait till at least 4 leaf stage.
If you are unsure the growth stage of the Switch and Miscanthus I would mow as high as needed to still get light to the seedlings. Then try the quinclorac in 2-3 weeks. If this was just Miscanthus I would spray the Quinclorac is may burn the edges of the leaves but wont do permanent harm.
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