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Quinclorac or duracore on miscathus


Active Member
Will I kill my miscathus or switchgrass if I go to heavy with quinclorac or duracore? Having some grasses abd broadleafs coming in after simazine application is wearing off
Annual grasses: Label rate on quinclorac with MSO. No issue on miscanthus or established switchgrass. It can and will burn young switchgrass.
Broadleafs: duracor no issue.
Thanks. When it burns switch will switch die or just burn and recover?
Obviously I will do my best to target precise rate but sometimes with atv sprayers it's not allways super accurate
Thanks. When it burns switch will switch die or just burn and recover?
Obviously I will do my best to target precise rate but sometimes with atv sprayers it's not allways super accurate
You can kill first year switchgrass if sprayed too early. You might consider mowing till later in summer
I've had even second and third year switch turn a purple color from quinclorac but it still kept growing and eventually hit normal heights. Definitely not something I would try on first year switch but I'm also a chicken about this stuff.
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