Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company


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Have you guys noticed a increase in the Raccoon population? We went over to one of our properties (our new one) to set up my new cam and they had eaten 1 acre of corn. It wasn't Deer because you can see the Coons just took the ears. The Deer normally eat the green stuff above the ears. We couldn't find a place to hang my camera that was good, the grass was to tall. So, we headed to our other place that the Deer have eaten 6-7 rows into the field with another cornfield on the other side. I'll have to show you how much damage they've done just to this one field. Deer are worse than Raccoons, but we've been seeing them increase. Last year in 1 night after our Hotwire broke the Raccoons ate ALL of our sweet corn. It was 1 acre they ate in 1 night.
Winter didn't kill many animals this year. I killed an egg stealing coon three nights ago. Third one so far and quit counting the possum. Rabbits are everywhere. If you like to hunt woodchucks, this is the year for it. Seems like other than game birds, animal populations are higher than normal. I have five bucks hangin around here and it's been a good while for that............ck
yes! we have noticed alot more coons also, and they arent waiting for dark to come out, we have been seeing them in the afternoons! strange??
There are coons all over.....I was wondering if there population was actually going to decrease this past winter due to 'distemper' which can be spread at higher rates when winters are more mild......at least that's what I've been told. One thing I've noticed when patrolling our parks and public areas in the evenings is that there are coons everywhere!
We have been pretty active trapping mostly coons and possums the last couple of years and I always find it surprising how many we catch and how they just keep coming too. I can tell by trail cam pics and tracks in the creek beds that we are down on coon numbers now, but only after a 2+ year onslaught on them. :D

They seem to be almost as prolific as bunnies.
We noticed a few weeks ago that we were getting overrun by coons. We set a live trip in the machine shed and we have caught 9 or 10 so far. The neighbors down the road had them get in their attic and cause a lot of damage.

Lots of other people saying they are having problems also.
We have been pretty active trapping mostly coons and possums the last couple of years and I always find it surprising how many we catch and how they just keep coming too. I can tell by trail cam pics and tracks in the creek beds that we are down on coon numbers now, but only after a 2+ year onslaught on them. :D

They seem to be almost as prolific as bunnies.

Coons fear us
with the crappy fur market of the last few years, there are less trappers and less coon hunters, which leads to a hell of alot more coon
We have chickens for state and county fair and they've been trying to get into the chickens. If they attack them can we legally kill them? Or live trap and move somewhere else?
We have chickens for state and county fair and they've been trying to get into the chickens. If they attack them can we legally kill them? Or live trap and move somewhere else?

You can always catch and kill nuisance pests around your buildings.
Erick said:
I had my best year this past fall with a little over 200 but my cousin who is also a fur buyer brought in just shy of 3500 just by himself.

He can come to our place any day he wants :)

We also have a beaver problem that needs to be fixed with a chance of a bobcat ;)
They are attaking my grapes. Cannot be down there on the porch all the time with shotgun,,so it is fly-bait and coke! Yes it works. Probably against some law,,but I don't care. This is WAR!
Yep,,make a slurry out of it. first I thot my neighbor was crazy,,until I came back the next wk-end and found 3 dead coons, not 5 yrds from the stuff!
Golden Marin fly bait and coke you can get it at rural king or tsc. If you google it you can find all kinds of stories but basically mix it in a shiny pan (pie plate) leave it overnight and dispose of the coons the next morning.
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