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I think you guys are making it out to be worse than it really is. Every time I put an arrow on my string I draw it back to make sure everything is in proper working order, including making sure my broadhead looks the way it's supposed to.......no real difference here. Fixed blade heads are great, but they don't compare to what a 2" entry hole does to a deer in my opinion. I'll use every advantage I can to ensure my recovery, and putting a hole in the side of a deer that I can almost fit my hand into is top on the list. I shot 6 deer with these heads last year......no problems.
What poundage are you shooting? I haven't tried the Rage based on all the bad reviews.

I have been a Jak Hammer man myself.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: muddy</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Nice avatar. </div></div>

You're up next........ /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: CRITRGITR</div><div class="ubbcode-body"> I shot 6 deer with these heads last year......no problems. </div></div>

4 for me with the rage 2 blade. All pass throughs, and every one was absolutely devastating. 65# bow. Easton Axis FMJ arrow. 274 fps.

Oh yeah, I was really anti-mechanical, but just couldn't resist trying them out.
Big rage guy here also. 70# bow,killed 4 this year, all pass throughs. DEVASTATING holes. Watched every one fall. Love em' !
I'll throw another one in for the rage head. I love them!

The hole they make is unreal!

I bought the rage 2 blade because if I ever made the mistake of hitting one a little back I believe the hole would be big enough to make them expire quicker.

It happened on the buck i shot this year too.

When I went to shoot at him broadside his front leg was way back and I instinctively followed the leg up and shot for the middle. I ended hitting the deer in the liver and just barely part of the lung. He went a 100yds and down. When I cleaned him his liver was nearly ripped in half by the 2 inch cut.

I believe if i wasn't shooting a big head that deer would have only got hit in the liver w/ half the hole and probably would have gone much further and suffered much longer.

+ 1 for the rage 2 blade
4 Deer last year all but one were complete pass throughs and the one was my own fault. I had a few of the o rigs splitting at first then I realized I didn't have to put so much preasure on the blades to lock them in. I was critical at first as I decided to sacrifice one of my 6 heads and shoot it into a foam target to test the opening, finally figured out it wouldn't open in the foam and shot a water filled milk jug. The 3 blades made a huge hole in it and boosted my confidenc in them, and the evidence was writen in blood of how much they cut once season opened. As many others have said, make sure you go with a quiver less the foam insert. I have a Bohning Lynx quier and it works fine.
As for the idea Back40 offered up for installing the O-Rings, I don't know why I didn't think of that. What a great way to do it. I was sliding them up the loose bradhead and having to be extra carefull not to get cut. Thanks for the simple tip.
<div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Originally Posted By: Kansasdeerslayer</div><div class="ubbcode-body">I had all the same problems you did, and came to the same conclusion you did. Keep it simple, go back to fixed blades. </div></div>

DITTO!! I made CONTACT with a really nice 8 this year but got little to no penetration with it. He would have lost more blood from a mosquito bite. Muzzy's ONLY for me. I'm not even sure I'll turkey hunt with an expandable. I know why they call the RAGE now. That's the feeling you get when you shoot them. /forum/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/mad.gif
I hereby nominate Back 40 for an honorary Phd. I tried replacing those little O-rings on my Rage's and bout had a fit. Knew there had to be a better way....Thanks!

Just got back from KS, and watched two gobblers (one mine) bite the dust to a Rage. Pretty impressive!
Taylor Made drivers or Nike??? I hate the Nike, my ball slices. Diff't strokes for diff't folks. I have very little experience to go on, but based on the 2 deer I whacked with the rage 2 blades last yr, ....I bought 6 more.
I have heard a few people say that they hit the deer in the shoulder and the rage did't penetrate enought to do anything.....I 'm going back to my fixed blades. That's fine, you have to shoot what you are confident with in my opinion. I shot a nice buck in the shoulder a few years ago with 3 blade muzzy's. Bone breaking power, not in my opinion. The shot didn't do enough damage to drop him, not even after a mile track when the blood clotted up. I lost a few deer using fixed as I never could seem to get all of them shootingthe same. I went to the expandables, the Rocky Mtn snypers first for 2 years, then the Rage's last year. I have been filling tags every year since the switch. I am confident with that setup now. All 3 does and the buck I killed this year had holes in them on both sides just like what Ghost's picture shows.
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