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rage broadheads


New Member
Anyone try the Rage broadheads? I am interested in if they got complete pass-thru. Thanks!
Have heard good things about the 2 blades but not sure about the 3 blades. I know the 2 blades leave some serious holes.
I did try them and I did get a complete pass thru 3 out 4 times. The hole is huge from the two blades. The retention ring for the blades is different than any I've seen and the blades came to loose with a bump. When this happened pulling an arrow from the quiver in a hunting situation and I was done. I also felt that the heads flew high at times. I suppose it is possible that the blades where deployed before impact because of the retention rings poor hold. I have shot several mechanicals and this one is the least of those I have used.
I have had excellent experiences with Rockie Mountain expandables, but have had the same problem as you with the blade retention on the Rage broadheads. I always have to check on the blades when I get to my stand. I was going to check on puttin a rubber band on the blades.
I was shooting muzzy's with mixed results. I got the rage heads and shot the practice head a few times and everything appeared to be on target. First shot at a deer with the rage resulted with a MISS...the best buck I had a chance at all year.... I decided to shoot the actual head not the practice to make sure it was shooting the same and it was. I elected to keep trying the rages and I am COMPLETELY hooked. The first shot must have been a fluke/nerves. I have been very successful with everyone fired at a deer since. I have gotten a pass thru everytime with HUGE holes and blood trails anybody could follow.
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