I've got bros that love them and close friends that love em. I've seen a LOT of deer being shot and a lot of buddies hunting with me over the years. I've used them ONE year and never will again. My bros continue to use them. I've seen FIRST HAND major penetration problems, problems coming open during flight AND when they were in quiver. I've seen GIANT holes on deer BUT I've also seen major major problems with use & many deer lost to what I say is problems with THOSE heads. Excellent shot placement with ANY head should have great results.
Where I see varying DIFFERENCES of +/-'s for MOST heads is poor shots. I would give Rage and advantage with GUT shots (and many other heads) but I personally think Rage has major problems with bone & penetration as well as many other design flaws. If it were all about poor GUT shot advantage- there's got to be other expandables that solve that without all the other negatives that Rage have. I like my Muzzy MX-3's BUT they will not be as good with gut shots BUT will be excellent with bone, etc IMO. And I don't have all the other worries I've seen with Rage. If you're set on expandables, dude's on here gotta know something better than Rage and my learning on expandables have stopped after my Rage use. Ur gonna hear 5 million opinions on this and this is just one joe-schmo's 2 cents.
With how many flaws I KNOW Rage have, I'm not saying they don't have their advantage BUT it also furthers my belief that all these celeb-clowns that are in the tank with their support & advertizing are seeing $ signs ONLY because I truly believe they "KNOW" the Rage are Mediocre at best BUT sell out to the great $ kick-back. Which, I have no problem with sponsorships BUT when I see folks in the tank from everything from GARBAGE to mediocre at best stuff (like CUDDEBACK CAMS, Rage broadheads, etc), I just don't believe one ounce of what those particular folks say and why I get my product advice here.