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Rain and Warm Weather

What does everyone think about this warm weather and rain coming this weekend. I will be out regardless but just wondering everyone's thoughts on how hunting will be?
Taking my ol man out this afternoon to sit my stand.. S wind should be rockin!
Lol I didn't go once when it was windy, and regretted it the next morning.... biggest buck on cam walked by both cameras which would have put him right past my stand! And I was at Applebee's with my wife lol bout got sick just thinking about it..
Get out there no matter what right now...our shooters have been on their feet chasing hard the past 2 days. Had one at full draw at 4:40 last night, couldn't stop him chasing a doe hard.
I had 4 bucks, 3 being shooters come by multiple times from 6:45 to 7:50 this morning. Forgot my binos so I missed out on an oppurtunity on one of the big 8s we have running around
My dad had to get some unexpected work done today, so Buffalo Rider and I are sitting now. Had a busted up 8 chasing a doe run right at us before we got in the stand at 2:00. Wind is pick in up now, rain stopped, sun is shining, and plenty of time for stuff to happen!:)
Was out from 10:30-1:30 and only 1 small buck 300 yards away on a dead run, then came back at 3 and met a doe on the way to my blind, and nothing the rest of the night, but a doe fawn and a spike. Couldn't even get the spikes attention with a grunt even being only 75 yards away it was so windy out. Leaving there were 7 in the field, must of all came from across the road.. :/
I sat through a downpour, wind, thunder and lightning tonight. Saw one deer before it quit raining and once the rain was done there were does everywhere. Only one buck sighted, but mornings have been way better for me the past two days.
I had my best night last night...3 does and 2 bucks.

I could have shot a big doe, and a broken spike (twice)...within 15 yards. It was windy and only a few sprinkles where I was hunting yesterday evening.
Sat pretty much all day yesterday. One decent buck in the morning at 830 the. Nothing rest of the day. Wind picked up around 1 and started to rain. I think the weather combined with the bigger bucks beng in lockdown mode made for a really slow day
I had my best morning yet today! Was very quiet until 9 then had a doe followed by 2 small bucks go through. Then at ten all hell broke loose! Had a hot doe followed by 7 bucks come by me on a dead run. 2 bucks were shooters. They were grunting, roaring, growling, fighting like crazy for a good ten minutes all around me. As this is all going on 2 guys with orange vests on and no weapons that I could see come walking through and scatter all my deer. One guy notices me and runs to his buddy and points at me. I put my arms up in the air like what are u doing? Ended up having 3 more small bucks come through right after the guys left. All this and it was raining on and off all morning so don't let a little rain and warm temps stop you. Now if only one of the big guys would've stopped within range for me that would've ben icing on the cake....
I was out this morning and it was raining pretty good the whole time, but holy crap the bucks where moving like crazy! Had a big ten point come about 35 yards from me! Barely had time to draw back but couldn't get him to stop, he was on a mission. It was crazy, buck after buck came by after that but they where just out of range hot on a trail. I was soaked to the bone but it was worth it!
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