Buck Hollow Sporting Goods - click or touch to visit their website Midwest Habitat Company


iv been waitin for a front of some kind to get.. deer should be movin after this wind lays down!
iv been thinking going and sitting even if rains.... is it pointless or not? last weekend i seen alot right a sunset
I'll actually go out and "sing" in it if it comes! :grin:

Regardless if the deer move in it, we just NEED it. Around here anyway.
Hunting October in the rain is about as good as it gets.... If you can handle it, get out there during the rain, and especially afterwards.... if that cools things down, the activity might just pop! I'd be out there if I didn't have a dang wedding...
I set up some ground blinds this year for rainy days specifically. In my stand I'd either get frustrated and freezing OR just wouldn't go out SO I figure now I don't have any excuses.
Oh, it's gonna be 70+ degrees, guess I won't be hunting! :) I guess i never run out of excuses! Let us know how the hunting goes, I'll be hanging with the fam or relaxing at home! Good luck, hope you have some success!
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