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What do you guys think about hunting in the rain? I personally like it, makes me feel like it gets deer moving.
My favorite days to hunt are cold, rainy days in november. Not a down pour but a drizzly overcast day in november in the upper 30s lower 40s you will be seeing deer all day.
I can echo the first comment. Not any fun if its a down pour but it is nice to hunt in a light rain. Washes away your scent and also takes away the noise. Whether it be your hunting clothes or the leaves you walk on.
I agree with the good scent knockdown and also a little background noise. Did it last year in late October and saw a lot of deer moving.
They say to be there right after a good rain....that is when they all get on their feet.

To add a bit..... Hunt a active scrape line right after a rain and I would be willing to bet that you will have good action. This is especially true the closer you get to late October.
I know here in western ky a day when it's cold and cloudy and slightly raining r by far the best to be hunting. Deer are like people when it comes to a down pour, they don't wana be up moving around in it. Around here if it's a down pour they'll stay tucked up in the thickets. Same goes with a day when we have high winds. But if it's a cold rainy day and even with some sleet mixd in then u can find me in the stand!
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