Many will come on here and tell you the brand they have is great, and I'm sure they all are. But here's some information from last late season muzzleloader that left me scratching my head. I have a Leupold, and one of the guys I hunt with has a Bushnell. Both have been around for 3 or 4 years and seem to work just fine. One day I borrowed his thinking I'd forgotten mine at home. When I got to the wagon blind I realized mine was in the bottom of the backpack. So now I had both, the hunt was a little slow, and I decided to run a couple of comparisons. The blind I was in was on top of a hill with a view of a foodplot down below. There was another wagon blind closer to that plot, and I decided to range it...nice big target and all. The Leupold read 199 and the Busnell 212. It may not seem like a huge difference, but it was also more than I would've expected. I repeated the tests, and a few days later had another hunter take them out and do the same thing...same results. It really made me wonder which one was right, and in general, how accurate are these things. I guess it's certainly better than nothing, but if my Leupold was the one that far off I'd have to think about getting something different. Just some food for thought...